08/09/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board




SoCal Edison Update and Cal Water, SoCal Gas, City Council & Stakeholders Meetings Notes

The below link to the SRA letter was sent to SCE and to all members in the Stakeholder Meeting on Wednesday. The SRA letter was a response to the SCE letter sent to all residents of SeaView and neighboring communities.
(link to letter PDF)

SoCal Edison Update
SCE teams were working on Exultant Thursday evening.  There is going to be an emergency shut off on Exultant to relax tension in the power lines near Dauntless.  The crew reported that they have been instructed to step up patrols in SeaView and are inspecting lines daily directly or by drone.  They also pointed out that the telephone lines are the major source of tension in the lines between the poles. This will be brought up with the City to see if they can help get all parties talking to each other,

SoCal Gas Meeting – 8-5-24

  • SoCal Gas is continuing construction of shut off valves within SeaView and along PVDS.  The goal is to separate the neighborhood into zones in the event of a catastrophic event.
  • To do this, the Gas company is installing a total of 8 valves in our area.  Six are within Seaview.  Two of these will control gas to the entire neighborhood.  4 will separate SeaView into an area East of Schooner and an area West of Schooner.  These are all being placed near to Schooner along the East West streets.  2 valves are being placed along PVDS and will be between SeaView and Portuguese Bend Beach Club.
  • SoCal Gas most recent updates: https://www.socalgas.com/PVLandMovement

Cal Water Meeting – 8-5-24

  • Cal Water was asked about updates as to when planning of overall pipe replacement in Western SeaView will be completed so that permit, community vetting processes may begin.  There was uncertainty about when that would be completed, but Cal Water agreed to follow up on this for us. We specifically asked about the length of time crews would be in the area and about potential disruptions in service that might occur.

City Council Meeting – 8-6-24

  • Emergency declaration.  Review of the emergency resource center set up at Ladera Linda this week.
  • California public utilities commission.
  • City Staff have recommended extending the state of emergency.  This was passed by the council.  Extension is for another 60 days.
  • The City is recommending a declaration of a State of Emergency related to the loss of gas supply that is allowed in the emergency services act.  This would be via a letter to the Governor to extend the prior state of emergency to now cover energy (gas). This was passed.
    • Reviewed the gas shut off by SoCal Gas to the Portuguese Bend community.
      • 8 Isolation valves are being installed in SeaView.  There is ongoing discussion to extend this West toward the landslide.
    • SCE notification letter was discussed.  SCE has reported that they are working to separate circuits to mitigate impact upon neighborhoods.  This is expected to take 3-4 months.
      • Impacts would be very severe to hydraugers and sewage in Portuguese Bend Beach Club area and Portuguese Bend
    • Review of the repairs of sewers in SeaView
    • LA County sewer elevation of trunk lines is continuing.
    • Cal Water.  Ongoing work in SeaView and along PVDS to bring their lines above ground.
    • Communication utilities.
  • Home Inspections.  Windshield inspections are being done in the land movement areas for signs of structural stress and will be completed soon.
    • If a structure is showing signs of stress, the City will issue advisory letters to property owners (Week of August 11th) a request for voluntary inspection.
    • Building and Safety will work with homeowners to consider solutions.
    • Extreme situation may allow occupancy to some portion of homes while repairs are being done.
    • Temporary permits for projects like conversion to propane are being expedited.
    • There have been 3 structures red tagged to date.  Wayfarer’s chapel administration building and two homes in SeaView.
    • The City does not intend to red or yellow tag homes at this time. 
    • The City has sponsored two sessions as resource centers for emergency planning at Ladera Linda for this week on the 6th(today) and the 8th (Thursday).  The City and County will have public agencies there and there are private vendors/contractors set up by Portuguese Bend for consultation.

Stakeholders Meeting – 8-7-24

  • Sewer lines from LA Sanitation District. No new updates – sewer trunk lines
    • A flyer has been prepared for emergency actions that might be necessary in the event of a catastrophic sewage line break.  It will become a permanent webpage addition.
      • Emergency plan will include deployment of sewer pumper trucks to resolve any collections of sewage. Would be a continuous effort dependent upon road conditions in the area.
      • Truck numbers would depend upon availability of trucks at the time.  Could be up to mid-20’s of trucks to service the models of what the amount of leakage would be.  This would be entire Portuguese Bend/SeaView area.
      • An ask was made to post online what the emergency communication methods will be for information for residents.
  • LA County Public Works – sewer
    • SeaView repairs are due to be finished this week.  LA County Public Works will keep the current bypasses in place until testing of the repairs is finalized.
  • Sewer lines Portuguese Bend
  • SCE. was not at the meeting.  We requested that the SRA Letter that we sent to them be acknowledged with a response by next week’s meeting. The City will follow up on that with SCE representatives.  The SRA letter will be posted to our SeaView website.
  • Gas Lines.  No new information
  • Cal Water. 
    • SeaView. The above ground sections will be finished in about 3 weeks. The general pipeline replacements for SeaView West of Exultant are in planning.  That project is not expected to be done for some time. Possibly sometime early next year.  
    • Multiple projects in the Portuguese Bend area will take several more months to complete.
  • City Projects
    • The City has been awarded Phase I of the Portuguese Bend FEMA grant for the planning.  Meeting with Cal OES on Friday and then progress in the planning steps.
    • Emergency Hydraugers.  Drilling is ongoing at the Beach Club.  The boreholes are confirming the depth of the water levels.  It is deep and will dictate the planning of the actual hydraugers.  The Goal is to present the path forward by the city Council meeting on August 20th.
    • GPS surveying. Preliminary information indicates that the overall change in the rate of horizontal movement velocity has decelerated 1%. (Of note, last year the rate of movement accelerated at over 100% per month).  The range has been from +13% acceleration in some areas to -13% deceleration in other areas.  Note that this does not mean the velocity of current movement has stopped, only that it is not continuing to increase in the rate of movement.  As an example, if the rates remained the same, we would still see several feet of movement each month in the landslide areas. The city will be working to change reports to show not only the changes in rates of acceleration, but also the true velocities of movement month to month.
      • Abalone Cove decelerated about 6% (2-4 feet over the past month).
      • Behind Abalone Cover, deceleration about 6-7%, but overall movement 3.5-6 feet.
      • Portuguese Bend area is neutral for acceleration / deceleration.  Overall movement 3-4 feet.
      • Western sub slide areas are the most active still (near the ski jump).  Rate of acceleration here is about 5% increase in the rate of movement compared to last month.
      • Klondike Canyon about 4% acceleration.
      • New points above the ancient landslide area and outside of the ancient landslide have not moved and indicate no new movement outside the older boundaries North and West.
      • Areas above Burma road are showing creeping movement 1.5-2 inches over the past month.  Geologists feel this is in response to the movement below it.
      • New GPA monuments have been installed in the Seaview area near Schooner. Data will be available from them next month.
    • Road Repairs. No new information.
    • PBCA – They are reviewing bids for road repairs.
    • KCLAD.
      • 3 wells are pumping.  120 gallons a minute (172,800 gal per day). The Water table is rising.  Main pump is down.  Well drilling is ongoing for the new pump. Anticipation installation soon.  Power is in place.
      • Ask was made for hydrauger data to help plan next well that will be placed on the beach.
      • A contractor tour was done over the weekend to finalize bid for the removal of the tarps and filling of the fissures.
      • Temporary piping at the Gabian wall.  Getting proposals for this.
      • Ongoing progress on the FEMA grants
    • ACLAD
      • 7 operational wells currently.  7 wells have sheared off in the past several months.  Some of these sites will be able to have shallow wells put in.  Water levels are at 25 feet currently.
      • A meeting with FEMA happened this past month.