02/09/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: City Council and Stakeholders Meetings



Combing City Council and Stakeholder Meeting Update Notes

City Council Meeting – 2-6-24

  • Geology report. Land movement is accelerating. Estimate is about 4-8 feet in various zones over the past 15 months. City Geologists feel that this is getting to a very serious threat to infrastructure. Overall, the entire area that has historically been 3 separate land movements is moving.
  • Report from the preserve staff. Large fissures opening and several roads through the preserve are no longer passable.
  • Review of Cal Water projects in the area including Seaview phase 2 which will be to replace pipes West of Schooner with flexible piping.
  • A question was raised from the community about whether there is risk for a sudden catastrophic land movement. Geologists feel that there is no risk of that even if earthquake faults in the area should shift.
  • Prediction of what’s next for land movement is unclear per geologist but anticipates no slowing of land movement in the foreseeable future.
  • City Council has tasked staff to provide recommendations for moving the EIR along for the Portuguese Bend project. Also to investigate with the Governor’s office how RPV might engage them in an expansion of the emergency declaration at the state level.
  • The City Council has asked staff and city geologist to compile list of actions to take given the new reports and information related to the current land movement.
  • LA county is providing opportunities for tax relief for property owners due to storm damage. The City is posting information on their website. Residents are encouraged to view the information that is posted there.

Stakeholders Meeting – 2-7-24

  • The City of Rollings Hills City Manager was online and assures group that they are engaged and investigating their water drainage and earth movement. They have a meeting with flood control team from county in March.
  • Geotechnical. Not new information since city council meeting. Advise residents to download agenda from last night’s meeting to see updates on land movement which is accelerating. Data is being posted to the City website. Next set of readings will be February/March of this year. There was general discussion about standardizing the surveillance of the GPS markers as they are not all surveyed at the same time. There will be efforts to incorporate information from the Wayfarers chapel area. They are noting acceleration of movement also.
  • Portuguese Bend landslide project. EIR is still underway. The City Council was asked to provide recommendations to accelerate EIR process and alternative efforts to mitigate land movement that can be pursued.
  • PVDS/Peppertree drainage. Awaiting FEMA response.
  • PVDS road repairs. Next cycle in planning phases and will be scheduled soon. Assessing whether or not speed limit reductions should be put into place.
    • Concerns raised about Peppertree intersection with PVDS as road shift making visualization difficult. The City will assess traffic problems in this area. Suggestion made for high convex mirror for visualization.
  • SeaView crack filling. Ongoing maintenance is underway. The City will look to possibly close sidewalk in SeaView on Dauntless as it has shifted considerably.
    • Forrestal canyon creek above Ladera Linda. Request was made to see if drainage pipe in that area was being kept clear of debris. The City will investigate this.
  • Road repairs in Portuguese Bend community, multiple repairs are being made along multiple roadways due to damage from recent rains.
  • Underground sewer lines in SeaView
    • There was CCTV inspection of the lines at Dauntless and Exultant. Complete separation of last repair was found. Crews are setting up a bypass as they anticipate that the open joint won’t be able to pass through sewage for much longer. Though the pipe was displaced, the surrounding ground and packing around the pipe kept spillage to a minimum.
    • Admirable was also inspected. No changes there.
    • The City will be working with the county on possible rerouting plans for sewer lines and will update us at a future meeting.
  • SCE. Environmental release has been received. Final City approvals expected shortly, and they will then proceed with pole removal/replacements.
  • CAL Water
    • Did a site visit of SeaView for planning phase II for SeaView pipe replacements. Larry Paul and Rayne Sherman provided information that will aid the design team. They will continue the planning process for this project over the coming months.
    • Ongoing progress for the design of the Vanderlip and the Portuguese Bend areas will continue in concert with SeaView.


    • Water table depths expected on Friday. 172 gal/min rate of water removal. Overall water table has dropped from 90 feet to around 40 feet at time of last reading.
    • Working at getting cost totals in for putting in the last well.
    • Looking for location for another deep well pending repair of the broken well casing once the water table drops to point where they can do repairs. It’s about 12 feet down. Repair would be $50-60K versus $120-$150 K for drilling new well.
    • Recommending larger pipe along canyon up to the upper end of the canyon to facilitate drainage.
    • Outlet culvert and pipes needing regular clearance at the beach due to high tides and surf.
    • Meeting in Seaview with Cal Water. Will share information with their geologist in planning for pipes and drainage in the SeaView area.
    • Analysis of water from wells confirms so far that most of the water coming out of the wells is rainwater. Ongoing analysis of water during recent rainstorms to assess how long it takes recent rains to reach the pumps. Intent longer term is to try to define where water is coming from and whether or not it is coming from uphill communities versus rainwater itself.