01/26/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Cal Water, KCLAD and Stakeholders Meetings



Combing Cal Water, KCLAD and Stakeholder Meeting Update Notes

Cal Water Meeting 1-22-2024

  • Seaview above ground pipe projects are complete.
  • Plan in progress for Palos Verdes Drive South pipe project.
  • The onsite personnel in Seaview will be ending, but only after the monitoring plan for above ground pipes is finalized.

KCLAD Commission Meeting 1-22-2024

  • Pump and water table readings will be updated on a periodic basis.
  • The proposed well at Dauntless and Exultant may end up being an observation well. Final status is to be determined once the well is drilled.
  • Plans for drainage at the southwest corner of Seaview and PVDS are still being developed. Not yet finalized.
  • KCLAD website is in the planning stages.
  • The special election of 4/9/24 has been approved by the commission for the 2 vacant commission positions. Candidate application notices have been published.

Stakeholder meeting 1-24-2024

  • An emergency declaration will be on the city council agenda for the meeting on 2/6/24. The City staff update report will be available the week preceding.
  • Geologic conditions. Mike Phipps.
    • Reviewing reports from Wayfarers chapel. Recent January GPS reports.
    • Still lots of land movement throughout the preserve. Much impact on roads in the area, but still manageable for repairs.
  • Ara is working on more meetings and tours for state and county officials.
  • GPS survey. January survey complete. Prior reports are on the city website.
  • City Council meeting maps from December are posted to the City website.
  • Portuguese Bend survey is done. Ongoing hydrology analysis.
  • Trails update. Not anything new to report. Waiting for trails to dry some after recent rains to reassess.
  • Drainage pipe at PVDS and Peppertree is integrated into efforts for FEMA grant so pending that process.
  • Sewer line trunk. Still awaiting construction of guardrails along sewer pipelines along PVDS.
  • Leaning SCE poles. 3 poles are to be replaced between Dauntless and Exultant. A work order has been submitted. Anticipating 30-40 days to get permit and get environmental assessments done. Likely April before completed. There will be notifications of duration and extent of any power disruptions as we get closer.
  • Gas lines. Ongoing work on Narcissa leak. No new reports.
  • Cal Water
    • See above Cal Water report. No additional information was presented at this meeting.
    • Will be meeting with water company. Coordinating planning for the well along Dauntless near Exultant.
    • Klondike main line culvert functioning well under PVDS.
    • Lots of high tides and waves. Rocks and debris piled against outlets but have been able to be kept clear.
    • Drains are working and pumping. Updated data on output and water table levels are being placed onto the SRA website as we receive them.
    • Pump readings are stable at 180 gallons per minute. Depth monitoring instruments have recently malfunctioned and will be repaired.
    • No new reports on fissure repairs.
  • ACLAD updates
    • The pipe broken due to landslides Sunday is repaired.
    • Will lend water depth equipment to KCLAD for a short period to check levels since KCLAD instrument is not functioning.
    • Two new wells drilled and developed near Narcissa are ready for cleanup.
    • PVDS culvert repairs are progressing.