06/21/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Cal Water, So Cal Gas, City Council and Stakeholder Meeting Notes



Cal Water Meeting – 6-17-24, So Cal Gas & City Council Meetings – 6-18-24 and
Stakeholders Meeting – 6-19-24

Land Movement Updates

Cal Water

Download Cal Water PDF

  • Cal Water is working to bring additional piping above ground very soon.  They have submitted plans to the City to extend the current above ground piping due to new movement.  The plan is in this PDF under phase II (2nd plan in the PDF).
  • Cal Water is planning to upgrade all of the piping in SeaView West of Schooner.  That plan will be later and is still in the final stages of planning.  That plan is included as the 3rd plan in the PDF.
  • Cal Water will include the homes along the frontage road next to PVDS in a planned revision of piping along PVDS.  That plan is progressing, and we will send it to the community as soon as it is available.

So Cal Gas

  •  So Cal Gas representatives toured the area around SeaView this past week.  They are working to provide longer-term solutions to the gas lines given the increased movement.  They are agreeable to meeting with SeaView representatives on a regular basis and a follow up meeting will be planned for early July.
  • All SeaView gas leaks have an escalated level of response.  Residents are encouraged to report gas leaks to both the gas company and to the city.

City Council

  • The City Council approved closure of PVDS to bicycles and motorcycles (two-wheel vehicles) for the next 6 months.  The measure will expire in 6 months unless the City Council extends it.  An ask was made of the City Council to slow down traffic in the slide movement area.  

Stake Holder

  • Emergency declaration updates. Awaiting updates on interest rates that are being provided and eligibility requirements.
    • There has been a request by the City to have on site SBA access at City Hall.  That is in process. 
    • The City request to FEMA for reimbursement of expenses related to the winter storms. That will include background information including a geologist’s report that will be shared with the abatement districts.  This information will be in the staff report for the next City Council meeting (7/2).  
  • Coordination with city of Rolling Hills.  A meeting date has not yet been set.
  • Geologic Conditions
    • Mike Phipps report.  Upper slide moving near Narcissa at a rate of 13 inches per week. Klondike Canyon moving at 2 inches per week in Seaview, 7 inches per week near the beach at gateway. In SeaView itself 2-3 inches per week. Central landslide at a rate of 7-9 inches per week.  Relative to past slides, was moving at 7 inches per week during the last major slide when 130 homes were lost.  
  • LA County sewer lines – PVDS.  Inspecting daily.  
  • Sewer lines in SeaView.  Owned by the city.  Maintained by LA County Public Works.  By next week, expecting to have report on CCTV inspection.  
  • Sewer lines in PB community. New breaks in PB that occurred last night.  They are being repaired.  Next steps will be to replace the lines with more flexible material.  
  • SCE power poles.  So Cal Edison, no new updates today. 
  • Gas company
    • No updates for the PB area.  
    • Inspection of the SeaView area occurred on 6/18.  They had a team in SeaView looking at the movement and infrastructure as steps towards planning longer term solutions.  
  • Cal Water
    • Vanderlip above ground line being tied in today.  
    • SeaView.  Above ground extensions has been communicated this past week with the City, SeaView community and individual home residents. Work on the first sections is expected to be occurring in the very near future.   Schematics are being released to the community and will be shared via this update.  There is a second phase of planning that is still underway for the rest of the West SeaView 
  • Emergency hydraugers.
    • 1st borehole.  The first failure surface was about 150 feet down with rapid shearing of the inclinometer sensors.  No water was found.  Went to depth of 227.  Now working on the second borehole with depth of 335 feet being targeted.  Found water at 260 feet.  Anticipating that will be done tomorrow.  3rd borehole will be soon after that.  Findings from the geologists will be used for the final design and hydrauger launch point.  The number of additional boreholes needed will be determined as more data comes in.  
    • Once the hydraugers are in, there will initially be pressure that will allow egress of water.  This will transition to pumping after that.  The volumes that can be removed will depend upon many factors that are difficult to predict.  If water isn’t found, there will need to be a reassessment.  Plan is also to bring in another drilling rig to increase number of bore holes that can be drilled.  
    • An ask was made to create a public version of the hydrauger plan and key outcomes that are being looked at.  
  • PB roads.
    • Narcissa curve is rapidly deforming and angling. Mike Phipps is of the opinion that preservation of that road will not be possible without major reconstruction
  • PVDS
    • There are ongoing repairs.  The city council approved last night the temporary closure of PVDS to bicycles and motorcycles along PVDS. Signage will go up in the next week or two
    • Water table has not had any change.  Still at +/-17 feet.  Wells working at the same level of pumping
    • New well drilling contract is expected to be signed within the next 2 weeks. Anticipating doing drilling near that time frame.  Drilling will take approximately 2 weeks.  Boring and then installation of wells will take time beyond that along with installation of drains and electrical.  
    • Progress is ongoing for funding sources.  
    • At the top of the slide, removal of tarps has begun in anticipation of putting in drainage and diversion system above Seaview and filling the fissures.  
    • 48-inch pipe at the beach is an ongoing problem.  It is being pushed up so regrading is being done to allow for gravity drainage.   There is concern that the uplift of the ocean and shore may cause a need to rethink how to do drainage of the water.  
  • ACLAD.
    • Ongoing repairs of leaking drainpipes.  Stable pumping volumes.  
    • No other new information currently.  
    • ACLAD places pumping data on the ACLAD website.