11/3/23 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: CAL Water Above Grade Site Walk and Stakeholders Meeting



Updates this week on land movement:

It has been reported and confirmed that a few of our residents have been harassing Cal Water employees doing their work to repair pipes in the neighborhood. The Seaview Residents Association Board of Directors unanimously condemns such acts. As a community we are better than this. Going forward we encourage all residents to be courteous and respectful of the workers and barriers erected to protect us from injury while they are working.

Cal Water community walk of plan to raise pipes above ground, on 11/1/23

  • Cal water did walk through with about 30 residents. Thank you to those who were able to attend.

    • There will be two areas where this will be done. One is near the red tagged homes on Dauntless, through the intersection of Dauntless and Exultant, across Dauntless to tie into the main line from the preserve area. The other is along Admirable.

    • Plans are for multiple above ground bi-directional joints that will allow for up to 6 feet of movement in multiple directions. While this will mitigate breakage risk, it will not eliminate it if land movement continues at the same rate. It will allow for early detection or large deflections that could be addressed before a main break. Above ground piping will be mostly 8-inch steel pipes. A few sections will be 6-inch lines.

    • There will be replacement of water main in the cul-de-sac along Admirable as part of this process to fix water pressure problems in the area.

    • Map of the above grade pipelines is illustrated below. The joints will be above ground and much of the piping through the active area will also be above ground in the easement areas that all homes have along the curb. While this will be unsightly, placement of the pipes in the street has been looked at and felt not be a good choice due to blockage of street runoff and possible damage from cars. The plan will be to revise the pipes once land movement slows down.

    • Cal Water is contacting homeowners whose property will be impacted. Many were at the walk through.

    • Construction is planned to begin on Monday November 6th. They have supplies in place. The work will be to first place the above ground pipes, the joints. There will be a final tie in and Cal Water will provide 48 hours advance notice of water interruptions to residents. Estimated time of interruption is about 8 hours maximum. They will work to decrease this as much as possible.

    • There are two driveways that will need to be crossed. Recommendation from the community was to have trenching across the driveway and cover with plating. Cal water plans that for the home on Admirable and will discuss with the home on Dauntless, but likely to pursue same approach.

  • Cal water has sensors in the area. Both acoustic and pressure. The acoustic sensors record in the middle of the night and are very sensitive to very small leaks. They are not effective during the day as there is ongoing water flow. It is notable that recent water flows have been pipe bursts due to a catastrophic failure of pipes without preceding leaks. The most recent ones showed a pipe deflection of 22 inches before failure. There was not a preceding leak and sensors picked up failure at about the same time as residents noted water flow since the water rises rapidly to the surface.

  • Seaview has mains coming in from the East and West ends. The West end lines that traverse the canyons have been shut off as heavy equipment cannot get into the area for repairs due to land movement. Cal Water will get back to us on when they were shut off, but estimate was before the 10/2023 trail closures by the city. Cal water is working on a solution for the pipes leading to the Narcissa neighborhood as that line is still active. Ultimately, a plan to replace the pipes in the preserve will be undertaken once land movement slows down.

  • Seaview has been fast tracked for pipe replacement as part of Cal Waters regular maintenance program. We are now at the top of the list. First phase will be piping West of Schooner. Second phase will be piping East of Schooner. There is a regular cycle of approvals etc. that need to be a part of this. Cal Water will advise us when they have a timeline estimate that they can provide.

Stakeholders Meeting – 11/1/23

  • On November 14th, the City council will take up the issue of the emergency declaration and the moratorium on building. Residents are encouraged to attend and provide comments. Instructions for how to do so are on the RPV city website.

  • We were introduced to the LA County liaison for Disaster Area Coordination. Brandy Villanueva, will be working with the city on helping to secure funds for disaster assistance for projects that can be tied to the FEMA declarations of emergency around last winter’s rains and the city declaration of emergency related to land movement.

    • Funds for reimbursement can be had at the current time by city and county municipalities and organizations. There is not currently a source of funding for individual residents, but the possibility of this is being actively explored.

    • The county is recommending and will be working with the city on contingency planning for a rapidly developing emergency such as road closures, catastrophic failure of utilities etc. Regular updates will be provided

    • The county is also recommending working on recovery efforts for residents should homes become uninhabitable. More to come on this also.

  • Cotton Shires (City geology consultant)

    • Has amended their recommendation for filling in fissures. While they have concerns about adding tons of dirt/rock etc. to landslide area, they do feel that selective filling in and regrading of areas with open fissures is warranted. The city will be looking at this. We did not get to discussion on how decisions would be made. (we recommend continuing to bring forward any new fissures or openings seen to the city via their email on the City website and on the SeaView website)

    • The older geology report and plan (1980) recently submitted by one of our residents to the city for review is being looked at by the city and the consultant. Follow up is promised on the drainage recommendations. That plan is also being looked at by KCLAD.

    • Concerns for the upcoming rain season were expressed by several community members. Emphasis on filling in crevices and optimizing drainage away from the active slide area was requested

  • The city does plan to regularly fill in cracks seen along the streets and curbs to mitigate new water entry. Please continue to report any new damage that is seen. They do not plan major road repairs until land movement slows.

  • Guardrails will be going up along the sewer pipes along PV drive south to protect them from traffic.

  • Ongoing surveillance of the community sewer lines is happening. No new leaks to report.

  • City will help facilitate an on-site visit by Southern California Edison, Frontier, and local homeowner for the concern of a leaning power pole so it can be addressed.

  • The new de-watering well will be installed by KCLAD will be along the street near the bend in Dauntless. Map of the new well location is illustrated below. Drilling contract has been signed and final plans submitted to city. Anticipated start to that will be in the next few weeks.

  • ACLAD will be starting their 4 new de-watering wells on December 4th.

  • Cal Water will begin evaluation of water pipe infrastructure in Rolling Hills in the near future. RPV city manager has been in regular contact with Rolling Hills as they also have land movement occurring. More communication is anticipated going forward with an ask to evaluate where any additional inflow into the head of the canyon may be coming from.

See below maps