Here’s your UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY to connect with a target audience of residents within SeaView and beyond. Reach out to a community that lives, shops, dines in the local area.

Offering small and large ads for a period of 6 months or 12 months.

Contact us for other arrangements.


6 months

12 months

Small Rectangle
300 X 250
Large Rectangle
500 x 417

For more information or to place an ad, please contact:

All proceeds from SRA Website Advertising will be applied to the maintenance and improvement of the website. Any additional revenue will support the maintenance, improvement and expenses of the two SRA Entrance Areas.


  • Pricing, ad availability, and types of ads are subject to change.
  • Uploadable graphic art is the responsibility of the advertiser.
  • All advertisement requests are subject to review and right of refusal.
  • No refunds after the advertisement is published.
  • SeaView Residents Association does not guarantee traffic to the advertiser section of the website.
  • All advertisement content (images, etc.) must be original and not subject to copyright infringement.
  • Should copyright infringement occur, it is the sole responsibility of the advertiser.

The SRA Advertising Committee is looking forward to working with the South Bay business community to showcase their businesses to SeaView and the South Bay.

Rayne Sherman, David Potter & Mike Miller