09/06/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board




SoCal Gas, SoCal Edison, City Council, Neighborhood Security & Stakeholders Meeting Notes

This has been a busy week for land movement activity.

Download a PDF about support that the YMCA is offering the SRA community.

  • SCE shutoff. As many know, about 25 homes in the active land movement area, 35 homes along the landward side of Dauntless, and almost all homes West of Schooner lost power this past week.  The homes in the active land movement are facing an “indeterminate” shut off that will last for the foreseeable future, the homes on the landward side of Dauntless lost power for most of the week until being restored Thursday as SCE ran a substitute line from Ladera Linda into SeaView.  The rest of the homes lost power for about 20 hours while lines going into the land movement area were disconnected.  This has been a topic of great concern to all as SCE has not provided a solution for the residents in the active land movement area.  The City meets with the utilities twice a week and is pressing for answers for all of the affected communities.  Portuguese Bend Community Association (PBCA) has lost their power indefinitely and the Portuguese Bend Beach Club (PBC) is being monitored with probable loss of electricity to a portion or all their community.
  • SoCal Gas Shutoff. Residents of SeaView began receiving notices on 9/4 and 9/5 of shutoff of gas services to the land movement areas and nearby homes. We do not have information from the gas company about specific residents.  They have shared that information with the City.  Gas shut offs happened on Friday. SO CAL GAS FIELD EMPLOYEES will be in the SeaView neighborhood every day (for the foreseeable future) to check for gas leaks on house gas meters. All Field Employees will have a Company Logo on their vest and carry an ID Card.
  • Alternative Energy Symposium. The SRA held a backup power informational meeting at Ladera Linda on 9/5.  A vendor list of solar, gas generator, plumber, and electrical providers whom community members have had contact with is provided on our SeaView website.  If anyone has a vendor that they have worked with and would recommend, please send the contact information to info@seaviesra.org
  • Neighborhood Site Meeting. There was a community meeting with Ara and Ramzi Awaad from public works along Dauntless near the Exultant intersection.   The intent was to walk the area and to hear/plan what to do about the depressed grabens and the drainage problems that are going to happen with the winter rains.  There are several options being considered and residents sharing ideas with the City staff. They are promising that corrective plans will be underway by the start of the rainy season which is mid-October.
  • Neighborhood security. The Governor’s emergency declaration related to the loss of power allows the City to reclaim expenses triggered by the loss of power to communities.  Increased staffing is being done to station deputies at a PBCA gate and to have increased patrols in Seaview.  The Sheriff department is advising residents to report any suspicious activity.  At the meeting along Dauntless mentioned above there were nearly 80 residents who lived in or adjacent to the land movement area.  Anna Cruz had organized a safety meeting at her home a few days earlier and action items requests from that meeting included evening street lighting of areas where power loss had occurred to deter intruders.  The City is mobilizing to place solar lights at areas designated by residents as highly vulnerable areas, and this will begin in the next few days.  Local residents will be engaged to help run and monitor the lights.
  • There was unanimous agreement by all residents in attendance and supported by the SRA Board to replace and add to the existing resident only Parking Signs with ones that carry the official municipal code which is enforceable for restricted parking. The City is rapidly moving forward to implement this.

Parking in Seaview will be restricted to residents only:

    • Property Owner or Tenant application
    • Valid California Driver’s License displaying the current RPV address
    • Valid California Vehicle Registration displaying the current RPV address
    • Property tax or utility bill (property owners only)
    • Utility bill (tenants only)

There is no fee for the parking decal. Five (5) guest passes – Per Household (non-replaceable) are also available at no charge. One Day Parking Passes are also available at City Hall at no charge.

For tenants, the property owner/management company completes the top portion of the Tenant application and signs/date. The tenant will then complete the middle section, “Guest/Visitor/Tenant Information”.

If residents do not have a license or vehicle registration displaying the RPV address, then they may contact Karissa directly. They are more than happy to work with the residents.

Residents may submit their application one of the following three ways:

    1. In-person at City Hall in the Public Works Department (30940 Hawthorne Blvd)
    2. Apply online at https://www.rpvca.gov/404/Vehicle-Parking-Programs.  You can use a scanner or your camera phone to attach the documents. When the application has been approved, they will contact the resident to schedule a time to pick-up the decal(s).
    3. Email the appropriate application and supporting documentation to publicworks@rpvca.gov.  A scanner or camera phone may be used to attach the documents.  When the application has been approved, they will contact the resident to schedule a time to pick-up the decal(s).

For Additional Information:
Public Works: 310-544-5252 or publicworks@rpvca.gov
Cheri Bailiff: 310-544-5272 or Cherib@rpvca.gov
Karissa Russell: 310-544-5270 or krussell@rpvca.gov

Special City Council Meeting 9/3/24

  • Declaration of the State of Emergency renewal.  Recommendation was to renew it and expand it to the SeaView area.  To be effective as of 8/29.
  • Review of the de-energization of Portuguese Bend and SeaView was made by SCE (see below)
  • City has been in contact with Portuguese Beach Club about the likelihood of de-energization of their neighborhood.
  • Governor Newsom has declared a state of emergency related to the power shutoff in PBC and Seaview.  This is for deploying or resources and public assistance for the City and not for individuals.  All costs must be tied to this de-energization.  
  • SCE report to the City Council.
    • Larry Chung. They are advising about 170 customers they cannot say if service will be restored.
    • George Mundorf.  In charge of teams doing the field work for SCE.  Showed graphic of the de-energized areas of PBC and SeaView.  PB Beach Club is under monitoring.  He showed drone photos of poles in Western SeaView to highlight the movement and lean of poles.  Have been investigating:
      • Alternative pathways
      • Ways to de-energize lines before they hit the ground. Micro cells are not an option as they need stable ground.
      • SeaView is divided into 3 sections.  A new line is coming from Ladera Linda (Box loop solution). This will cover 34 customers along Dauntless.  Movement in Western SeaView viewed as equivalent to what is happening in PBC and as such they cannot provide any time frame when restoration of service could occur.
      • Question was raised if SCE is going to help residents displaced or impacted by the power loss.  Mr. Chung indicated that SCE is looking at options but did not provide any information about what this might be.
      • Question was directly asked if PB Beach Club will be de-energized.  SCE did not answer it.  They did not specify a trigger point that would cause them to de-energize a line.
      • Question was asked if lines could be run along the ground in duct work.  SCE says they will look at this but was very noncommittal to what they would do with this.  The question was expanded into what specific options that they are looking at.  Mr. Chung danced around this focusing on expediency, but not answering the question.  As examples of what is going to happen to the energy for de-watering wells.
      • Question was asked about why 1-3 weeks for Dauntless (actually was about 20 hours)  It appears to be a function of manpower to complete the work.  They hope to have this done in a week.
      • Question was asked what is necessary to be able to re-energize.  Bottom line is “stable ground”.  They did not specify what would define “stable ground”.  They were asked why the line where the fire occurred was not being monitored.  The explanation was that they are not able to adequately monitor the existing lines satisfactorily for safety.  When pressed on this, they could not answer how many miles of lines there were that needed to be monitored.
      • Question was asked if cable lines could be pulled off of the poles to mitigate risk of pole tension.  SCE will look into this also.
      • Question was raised if other companies were willing to support micro grids along with the City, would SCE partner in such efforts.  SCE didn’t answer this directly but said they would consider.

Regular City Council meeting 9/3/24

  • Input from Assemblyman Muratsuchi.  Speaking in support of the City’s efforts.
  • Passage of extension of the emergency declaration.  Much comment from residents on dissatisfaction with the handling of the land movement and requests for help.

Stakeholders Meeting

There was little new information provided.

  • Emergency declaration.  The Governor’s declaration is related only to de-energization.  The State Bill to have landslide included in natural disasters is currently shelved and not progressing in Sacramento.  Additional security provided by the Sheriff’s Department can be covered by the Governor’s declaration.  This is 75% state and 25% local.
  • LA County Sewer.  No current disruptions.
  • LA County Public Works.  Sewer repair work on Exultant is continuing.
  • PB sewers. The City is working to procure pumps for the grinders.   Deliveries are scheduled over the next few days, and they anticipate delivery by end of the week for the grinder pumps. Process was described as to how residents could secure generators.  Installation will be for the residents to do.  They are working to secure additional generators for the lift pumps.
  • SCE Updates.  No new updates
  • Cox did not attend the meeting.
  • SoCal Gas.  Still 6 customers on Exultant still without gas.  They anticipate an assessment of feasibility of restoration of gas to those homes by end of the week.
  • Cal Water.  Exultant was tied in. That line is complete.  Admirable is being finished with anticipated tie in at the end of this week.  There will be impacted customers who will be notified.
  • City projects
    • Greater Altamira complex remediation.  Continuing borings being done.  One borehole is yielding water already.  Finalizing details of drilling plans.  They anticipate finalizing plans and starting to drill the first well within a week. They anticipate having to redrill the wells.
    • Winterization plan with ACLAD.  Draft for them to be delivered tomorrow.  Hot spot fissure filling plan.
    • Question was raised as to how many drilling rigs can be in an area at one time.  The City is planning to do more than 1 drilling at a time after the first one.
    • GPS survey. Next one will be presented to City council for 9/17.
    • PVDS.  Ongoing repairs.
    • SeaView roadway repairs. Will be more filling of the Graben on Exultant as it is subsiding more.
    • KCLAD The new electrical panel, transformer and inverter are in place and delivering three-phase power to the new #5 well (this produces about 20 HP for the motor). The other two deep wells (both damaged by the landslide) were producing 113 GPM, combined, on the day the readings were made. There seems to be an issue with the flow meter (or maybe the electrical connection) on well #4 / pump #3; as the readings are fluctuating. This well will be inspected and brought back up to the 80 GPM range. Shallow Well #2 / pump #2 was crushed and will be no more. This was the original artesian well that was drilled around 1982. The other shallow well has a replacement vault and a new sump pump and is producing around 20 plus GPM.A new deep well drilling is underway, but the operator had a break in the drilling equipment at about 80 Ft. depth and will be back next week to complete to a depth of 165 Ft. This well is the same design as the last and will include an inverter so as to produce in the same range as well #5, at 250 to 300 GPM. The water table does already seem to be going down with the warm weather and the new well #5 in operation
    • ACLAD First priority is to get electrification for the wells.  They are working on generators for wells and possible solar options.  Cal OES and FEMA discussions are on standby, but still being worked on.  1 well is currently working.