

RPV Press Conference Notes, SRA KCLAD Area Site Visit and
Virtual/ Live Energy Alternatives Meeting

Energy Alternatives – Virtual Session – Wednesday the 4th – 7pm

We are moving the informational session on Energy Alternatives and backup power to this Wednesday the 4th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. We will be hosting a live meeting at Ladera Linda Community Center and will have a zoom option that is attached below.

We will have information about your electrical panels, portable generator options, natural gas/propane options, and solar options with the emphasis being on typical home situations. We have asked our panel members to avoid pushing any particular product line, but to focus on information that you may need in exploring power options for your home.  There will be time for a Q&A session, but as a warning, we will not be diving into individual home situations.  A list of vendors that were identified by Portuguese Bend and others will be made available to Seaview resident as well via hard copy and the website.

The Zoom link to the above meeting is:

SRA KCLAD Site Visit – Wednesday the 4th

Ara Mihranian will be there as he and Ramzi Awwad will be in Seaview for an onsite meeting with residents on Dauntless to the West/ South of the sunken intersection with Exultant at 5:00pm. The nature of the site meeting will be to discuss options for drainage for the intersection of Dauntless and Exultant and covering/ filling of the fissures in the area. SRA security will also be a topic of discission.

RPV Press Conference – 9-01-2024

The City held a press conference at Ladera Linda Community Center on Sunday 9/1 about the Portuguese Bend Community Association (PBCA) Southern California Edison (SCE) power shutoff.

Below are notes we took at the press conference.  There is not a video tape recording of the conference.  A quick review of the major points covered:

  • At present the PBCA evacuation declaration is a warning and is not a mandatory evacuation.  The principal reason for the warning is that the electrical cutoff will impact sewage drainage to that community since it relies upon pumps.  The City has put in place 3 emergency generators to keep the 3 pumps working.
  • LA County supervisor Janice Hahn promised another $5M to the City to help. She is directing more resource from the Sheriff’s department to the area.
  • Increased patrols will be provided by the Sheriff’s Department.  There was recognition of concerns regarding vacant homes.  Sheriff Luna advised all to be ready for possible mandatory evacuations. The use of drones by the Sheriffs dept. has been internally approved and they will be used.
  • Fire Dept.  Fire Dept. stated that SCE was correct to stop power.  The trigger was a small fire outside of the Narcissa gate on Friday.  They are advising the community to heed the evacuation warning due to road damage limiting access to properties and fire risk.  They are adding additional personnel to local stations (station 53) along with 4-wheel drive, additional patrols, 2000-gallon water tender. Access via York estate for more rapid access.  Everyone advised to know your zone.
  • Larry Chung from SCE.  VP public relations.  Reviewed the steps that led to the SCE shut off of PBCA.  They do not know when or if power will be able to be restored but are working on it.
  • Michael Chee.  LA County Sanitation District.  LA Public Works.  Last week there was a pipe failure at Narcissa and PVDS.  He reviewed how the sewer system works.  While there was a rapid fix, there is risk of a catastrophic failure of the main trunk sewer lines that go across the Portuguese Bend area.  For details of that plan go to LACSDCSD.org
  • So Cal Water.  Ongoing monitoring in the area. They remain committed to maintaining water services to Portuguese Bend.
  • Emergency assistance center at Ladera Linda Community Center, only for today. They will monitor requests and make decisions on future days for the Center later.

The Sheriff’s department will be increasing patrols in the land movement areas including SeaView.  They confirmed that they do have access to the Flock cameras.  They are encouraging residents to contact them for any suspicious activity or persons in the area.  They have had reports of bad actors dressing up like utility workers so if you don’t see official logos on their clothes or on their vehicles, call the Sheriff’s Department (310/ 539-1661) with any concerns. Since they will be in PBCA almost continuously, their response time to SeaView should be shorter.