

SeaView Residents Association (SRA) Position on
SoCal Edison and Potential Power Outages


Many of you have received an email or mail notification from Southern California Edison (“SCE”) related to the possible shut off of power in SeaView. As such, in an effort to disseminate what information is available to as many of you as possible, as a Board, we offer the following summary of the information that was presented at the recent question and answer (“Q & A”) meeting held July 31st at Ladera Linda Community Center. We hope that many of you had an opportunity to attend (or view) the Q & A session and/or have been able to participate in the Wednesday stakeholder meetings.

Please note that the information provided is based on input from Board Members who attended the meeting.

  • The presentation by SCE was not well done and offered little as far as specifics. It was generally a public service announcement that we believe did not address the important questions of the community or what SCE’s intent and/or timeline is for supplying electricity to SeaView.
  • We do not believe that there is an imminent threat to SeaView of having a permanent loss of power to the neighborhood.
  • The ongoing land movement is certainly creating challenges for SCE, as it has for Cal Water and So Cal Gas.  The message that we heard is that SeaView may experience outages due to the land movement, and that such outages could be more frequent and for longer periods of time than we have historically endured. They would also be dependent on the extent and type of damage that leads to the outage.
  • SCE is working to create a segregated grid for electrical service in that all of SeaView and the Portuguese Bend Beach Club (“PBBC”) are on a single circuit. That plan has apparently been in development for a number of months.  SCE did not provide a firm/specific timeline for when this separation of the electrical grid would happen. They did indicate that it could take three to four months, barring any unforeseen setbacks or obstacles.  SCE also indicated that they are stepping up line surveillance in the area.

Your Board is asking for everyone to REMAIN CALM as efforts are made to have SCE work more closely and cooperatively with the city, our community, and the other affected area communities.  We will collectively insist on better communication and cooperation – similar to what we have seen from Cal Water and more recently from So Cal Gas. 

Certainly, anyone who wishes to communicate directly with a utility company or the City is encouraged to do so as an individual resident of our community.  We would ask, however, that you do not present any such communication as more than your own individual (or group) opinion. We don’t want to see any misrepresentation or misinterpretation of the opinions of others within our community, including this Board.

Recommendations for all of our neighbors:

  • Please continue to stay well informed. You may do so by viewing updates on the SeaView website (seaviewra.org), the City website, the utilities websites, checking the email updates that we send out weekly, asking questions of Board Members and City Staff.  There are many sources of information and it is best that you use these readily available resources and not rely solely upon social media posts. The SeaView website (seaviewra.org) has links to all of these valuable resources.
  • Please watch out for each other.  Power outages do and will continue to happen. Know who your neighbors are. Check on them if there are any outages. Make sure that they are well and not in need of anything. If you, or anyone that you know, is particularly vulnerable to power outages for medical/health reasons, please let the Board know as the City is asking us for information about any particularly vulnerable residents in the event of power outages.
  • Please be prepared and plan ahead. There are many options for temporary power for homes, with many already in use throughout our neighborhood. There are two upcoming information sessions being put on by the City and the Portuguese Bend community. They will be held this week (August 5th) on Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th at Ladera Linda Community Center. Depending upon the attendance and feedback from these sessions, we may plan a session for Seaview in the next 1-2 months.