07/26/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board



KCLAD and Stakeholders Meetings

Land Movement Updates

KCLAD Meeting Notes – 7-22-24

  • Beach Wells
    • Two are sheared
      • Lost pump in well
      • Steel cable cut while pulling out
    • Drilling new well to be completed this week
      • Next add power
      • New pump to follow
  • Loan agreement with RPV completed and signed by KCLAD
  • KCLAD is producing a video to explain their mission
    • Looking for people to interview to add substance
  • FEMA is conducting a site review on 7-31-24, on the grant request.
  • KCLAD is interviewing for office staff to manage the upcoming repair work
  • Reworking the 48″ drainage pipe
  • New Business
    • KCLAD has been asked to declare a “State of Emergency”
      • Board Motion to declare a “State of Emergency” approved
    • Current Payment Warrant was approved
  • Discussion about the Rolling Hills issue with several avenues of approach, including getting the County involved.
  • There are two Board Seats up for election
    • Nomination forms are available for eligible members – details will be posted to the KCLA website. Contact Sandy Marshall with any questions.
    • Election for Board Seats is Tuesday, November 5th

Stakeholders Meeting – 7-17-24

City Projects

  • Emergency Hydraugers.  Completed drilling of 6 of 7 boreholes North of PVDS.  Geologists reviewed the borings and feel that a 7th borehole is not necessary as they have enough data from the other 6 drillings.  Common findings are that the slip plane is deeper than originally thought.  They plan to begin 4 boreholes along the beach beginning Saturday at the E-1-7 location.  These boreholes are thought to be important for information about the artesian pressure of water in the area.  A comprehensive update is planned for the City Council meeting in August.
  • GPS surveying.  Next set of readings is slated to start next week.
  • PVDS roadway repairs.  Crews have been doing repairs this past week.  Anticipating repairs every 2-3 weeks.  Additional signs are being posted warning about PVDS.  Large signs are also being added.  The City is contacting local businesses to not use PVDS for resupply via large trucks.  Still analyzing for additional signage on speed limits
  • SeaView Streets. SeaView residents are reporting more movement and some apparent instability of the hillside behind Dauntless.  The City will coordinate with geologists to look at the hillside stability and to meet with SRA members regarding plans for drainage of the grabens and fissure filling for the upcoming rainy season.
  • Emergency declaration.  Has been a year since declaration of the State of Emergency.  Plan is to renew the declaration and to send letter to Cal OES in support of individual homeowner help after the August 6th meeting.
  • Geotech updates.  Ongoing analysis of hydrauger data. There is ongoing coordination with ACLAD on movement for purposes of planning for new well sites.

Cal Water

  • Construction underway at SeaView and along Narcissa.  There is an evaluation of work happening outside of normal work hours to accelerate the project.
  • Coordination with the City is happening to allow for easements for Cal water to do their above groundwork.  Work is progressing along PVDS.

Sewer lines SeaView.  Work will continue next Tuesday to remove the bypass and work on repairs of the lines.  It will not be a long-term fix.  Those plans to possibly reroute some of the lines are still underway with the City.

Sewer lines with LA County.  Ongoing repairs of line deviations in the PBC area and near Wayfarers are underway.  Work is ongoing on the emergency plans and recommendations for surrounding communities that could be affected by a sewer line break.

So Cal Edison.  Recent repairs were done in the SeaView neighborhood.  There are some other lines that are recognized as at risk.  There will be offline communications done to figure out how these will be addressed.

So Cal Gas.  Teams have been out in SeaView and in PBCA.  There is still ongoing planning for the 2 shut off valves and 3 isolation valves being planned in the community.

PB Association.  Ongoing road repairs.  More fill being added to the roads.  Road elevation changes along the Narcissa curve look to be over 20 feet since onset of movement.

ACLAD.  Intending to drill 6 new wells.  Next steps will be to work with property owners for easements for access.  A meeting with FEMA is coming up in the next week on the grant request.

KCLAD Pumping at about 120 gal/min at present time as two drills are down.  A new well has been drilled. Final touches on that drill will be done around August 5th.  Fissure filling is shifting to the top of the slide.  On site visit planned around or before 7/31 for the upper canyon to look at priorities for fissure filling and to place drainpipes from the top of the canyon to the bottom of the canyon.  The rising sea floor near the beach is continuing.  The 48-inch drainage pipe meeting with the homeowner was delayed but is back on the calendar.  The raising of water pipes above ground is creating challenges for the interfacing of the well drains.  There is ongoing work to get through the FEMA loan process.  There will be an onsite walk through on the 31st with FEMA representatives.  KCLAD/ACLAD will coordinate on co-hiring of grant managers/administrators.  They met with the hydrauger team to finalize access for those teams into the PB community for drilling.

City of Rolling Hills.  No new updates.  There have been many requests for a meeting of the city council subcommittees from each city.