07/12/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder Meeting Notes



Cal Water and Stakeholders Meetings

Land Movement Updates


Cal Water – 7/8/24

  • Plan to start construction this week or next week on the expedited segment, final materials are arriving.  Anticipated start date of the next segment by mid-July.  Ask made to explore the recent breaks for possible impact on the design.
  • PVDS.  Yacht Harbor is under construction.  PVDS lines are being done in coordination with LA County sanitation and City as sewer lines will be brought above ground to coordinate where lines are going to be placed.
  • Second stage.  Planning and design are still in progress.  Plan is to replace lines West of Schooner.  Cal Water will investigate if the recent breaks were due to shearing of the lines or traction/tension failure and if any change to timing of the second stage needs to be done.

Stakeholders Meeting 7/10/24

  • Emergency declaration.  Residents are encouraged to apply before the deadline online.  
  • Geotech updates.  Mike Phipps.  There are now about 90 monitoring points in the land movement areas.  July 1st monitoring data.  22-23 feet total movement in the center of the land movement area over the past 1.5 years.  Compared to last month’s information, the rate of acceleration is down to 9% average increase over the entire land movement area for the May readings which is significantly down compared to rates of acceleration of 120% or higher in the past.  4% in Abalone Cove, 4% in PB, 14% in Klondike Canyon. PVDS slope below Wayfarer’s chapel 
  • City projects
    • Hydrauger project.  Completed 4 boreholes (E1-8).  Moving onto next site with plans to complete 5 and 6 in the next 2 weeks (E1-9 and E1-2 then E-1-3).  Next wave of boreholes will be in the upper canyon and then will be series closer to the beach.  Final pieces of the agreement with PBC are in progress to allow for drilling of (E-1-4, E-1-7, and E-1-6).  (E-1-1) may take longer to get the agreement in place.  It was pointed out that E-1-1 is in the Klondike canyon slide area.  City will discuss with the geologists this location in response to the comment.  
    • Depths of the boreholes and findings to date.  Geologists are unable at this point to provide information as to the significance of the findings.  Preliminary information suggests multiple slide planes and that the planes are deeper than previously thought.  This may cause the final location of the wells to be further downslope than previously thought.  Details will be provided after data analysis.  
    • PVDS and Peppertree drainage. Lots of movement is happening.  The City will be resurveying area before putting in place final plans
    • GPS surveys.  Data has been acquired.  Under review.  Preliminary review is that acceleration is continuing, but rate of acceleration is decreasing with time.  
    • PVDS road repairs.  On the City Council agenda for 7/16 is PVDS repair.  Ski Jump area is under consideration.  Staff recommendation will be to hold off on repair as they are concerned that there is convergence of two slide planes in this area and that repairs will not likely hold up until land movement slows.  They are reassessing speed limits and signage in the area.  Also planned repairs in the next 2 weeks.
    • Crack filling in SeaView.  Ask was made to look at drainage swales in SeaView as some are clogged behind private homes above Dauntless.  The City will investigate this.  
  • Utilities. LA County Sanitation District. They are working to bring sewer lines above ground along PVDS.  There is a need for coordination with Cal Water on location of the above ground efforts.  Working to bring line onto the median towards Schooner to reach bypass sewer and then crossover back to the main trunk line. The City Geologist is assessing the plans.  They are working on communication about emergency actions to be taken in the event. 
  • SeaView sewer lines.  LA County Public Works.  A tour was done today with City Staff of the area including SeaView.  A bypass pump has been deployed.  This pump is triggered by a float sensor to pump sewage water in response to rising levels.Seaview residents are recommended to have inspection of their sewer laterals for any problems with the connection to the main lines.  
  • PB sewer lines.  Repairs and construction are ongoing. 
  • SCE.  No new updates from last week.  They are in communication with the property owners who had power cut off last week.  There has been fluctuation in power to several homes due to a stressed span.  There is planning to have crew replace that span today.  
  • So Cal Gas.  Will be meeting with SeaView representatives next week.  
  • Cal Water.  PBC and SeaView.  They are working with the LA County Sanitation District on the location of above ground pipes along PVDS.  Working with PBC on design of piping in that neighborhood. SeaView, materials will be in place and ready to start construction for additional pipe elevation above ground by next week. A Flume rebate is available for homeowners who would like to do this.  
  • PB Association.  Multiple gate problems.  Updating nav systems on closure of Narcissa.  
  • KCLAD Met with FEMA.  Went well per KCLAD leadership.  Early work would be allowed to go forward, providing compliance with all regulations.  The regulations are daunting, so they are reaching out to the City for help in navigating these. Damage reports are being assembled.  Shears on 2 of the wells.  They are still pumping at a shallow depth. Query was made about alternative uses of water being removed.  Bottom line is that getting the FEMA monies is difficult for both districts and for the city.
  • ACLAD.  Also had their meeting with FEMA. FEMA asked for extensive changes to the background documents for damages.  This is a very large effort on the part of ACLAD.   Prior testing of water quality shows it to be unhealthy for some agriculture.  Has 5 sheared wells currently.  They are looking into sites for 6 additional wells as part of their effort with the city loan monies.  They have been having many more problems with wells due to land movement.  
  • Rolling Hills. No updates.  No members from Rolling Hills were on the call.