06/28/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder Meeting Notes



Stakeholders Meeting – 6-26-24

Land Movement Updates


Geotech updates

  • Margins of the landslide have expanded.  About 50-100 feet beyond prior markers along Exultant and Admirable, but still in line with ancient boundaries.  It has expanded westerly over the past several months, but still within ancient landslide boundaries and confirmed by Perry Ehlig.

City of Rolling Hills

  • Meeting has not yet been set for meeting between RPV and Rolling Hills. The City Manager and staff are aware of the public frustration around the lack of progress on this.  They do not recommend actions beyond continuing to work on a face-to-face meeting at this time.  An ask was made to press forward with a hydrology study on our own and let Rolling Hills catch up.  Ramzi will bring that idea forward to the subcommittee on land movement and the city council.

City Projects

  • LA County sanitation district. Compromised portion just outside of SeaView where the current pipe goes underground along PVDS.  Compromised trunk line.  Will be bringing that compromised segment above ground.  No evidence of sewer discharge.  There will be some disruption of traffic while that happens.  They will be bringing more sections above ground into the future, and they will provide some information of emergency action planning for potential catastrophic failure in the future at next week’s meeting.
  • LA county public works in SeaView neighborhood.  Due to the changing landscape, the ability for gravity drainage of sewage is not happening and there is backing up into a manhole along Dauntless.  Pumping is ongoing.  Solutions have been ongoing with significant adverse sides to each possible plan so no plan yet.  No evidence of any sewage discharge per the city.
  • Power poles from SCE.  Cox was scheduled to remove their lines by end of June.  Not happening so City reaching out to Cox for update.  A question was asked about recent power outage in Seaview. It was not related to the land movement.It was related to power surge during the heat.  There was an outage behind Vanderlip that was related to land movement.  Tension is being seen in additional lines in the same area.
  • Gas Lines.  No updates.
  • Cal Water
    • SeaView.  Individual homeowners are being contacted for the expansion of above ground piping in SeaView. Once that is done, they will proceed by mid-July
    • Design still in progress for PVDS and the frontage road area along SeaView.  They will be looking for easements along the frontage road of PVDS.  The plans aren’t quite ready, but Cal Water doesn’t want to have delay so pursuing
  • Hydrauger project
    • Slide plane for the first borehole E-1-10 was about 154 feet.
    • E-1-5 second borehole is near completion.  Third to be started soon after.  Base of land movement is about 70-80 feet deeper than expected.  Was expected to be at about 150 feet and was found at 178 – 220 feet.  Perched water (above the slide plane – adds weight) was found at about 154 feet.  This hole was instrumented with piezometers.  Another borehole E-1-5a is about 15 feet away and will be used to test a metal casing for the ultimate placement of the hydraugers.  In a correction of the initial report, it appears that sensors were placed into this bore hole and not E-1-5
    • E-1-8 drilling is next and will be sometime in mid-July.
  • No new information about drainage along PVDS
  • Geologic movements are being updated for the City Council meeting.
  • PVDS road repairs.  Ongoing.

Funding initiatives.

  • Scoping meetings with FEMA by the City has occurred.  Final instructions for putting forward information were obtained and being acted upon.
  • Final assistance package to the land movement districts will be on the City Council agenda for next week’s meeting.

ACLAD reports.

  • Compression and tension failures in the drainage pipes have been occurring.  Replacement with swing joints has been done to better protect these areas.
  • They are seeing shearing of well #4 at depth of around 66 feet.
  • Meeting with FEMA on recovery scoping meeting (7/10 at city hall) as next step in emergency funding.  The City will be providing recent geologic movement documents to the districts for their packages.


  • Lost one of the beach pumps.  No change in the water table.
  • Setting up for drilling of new well. Planned drilling early next week.
  • 48-inch pipe repair project is still underway.  Work expected to begin by the end of the week.  Regrading of the area at the ocean edge as it has risen about 3 feet.  There is concern that this is rising so high that gravity drainage alone may not be sufficient.
  • Design for the drainage pipe at the upper canyon is still underway.
  • Scoping meeting planned for 7/9 with FEMA.