06/14/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Community Town Hall, RPV City Manager Landslide Photo Request & Stakeholder Meeting Notes



Community Town Hall Meeting – 6-1-24, RPV City Manager Landslide Photo Request
|and Stakeholders Meeting – 6-12-24

Community Town Hall Meeting – June 1, 2024 – Recording

The link to the video tape of the community meeting about the landslide is: https://youtu.be/Pxy_Jc3KgsE

RPV City Manager Request for Landslide Photos – Deadline Sunday June 16

A recent email from our City Manager was sent to all SRA members.  The City is asking for photos of structures and infrastructure damage to our neighborhood to be sent to him by Sunday June 16th evening so that he can assemble a documentation package for Senator Allen to include RPV and impacted homes in the slide area as eligible for assistance via the Emergency Services Act (ESA) and California Disaster Assistance Act (CDAA).  Residents with photos are encouraged to send to Ara Mihranian at aram@rpvca.gov

Stakeholders Meeting 6-12-2024

Sewer line Seaview

  • LA County has been doing CCTV inspections at city request.  Repairs have been made.  City met last week for midterm plans for solutions to repeated breaks.

Sewer lines Portuguese Bend.

  • No new breaks or line pinches.

So, Cal Edison

  • No updates from So Cal Edison.

Gas Company – Ben Steinberger

  • No updates.  SeaView resident pressed very hard on need to have a plan for dealing with the gas line breaks.  No satisfactory answer was given.  An invite was made to send them an email.  Ask made to have gas company at the very least have a working group to work with community on updates.They will follow up with the Seaview Residents Association members to arrange this.
  • Rick Yarns.  Above ground installation.  Narcissa and Cinnamon above ground coordination needs to occur.  Claudia
  • Residents need to know how to turn off their gas in an emergency. SoCal Gas has a video on the procedures on their website at this link. City and So Cal Gas will distribute flyers as well.  Of note, So Cal gas does not generally recommend that homeowners turn off their gas.

Cal Water

  • Narcissa/PB area.  Pressure testing of new lines this week.  Planning for tie in next week.
  • SeaView.  Cal Water is aware of the recent breaks.  They are working to develop the final plans for the above ground piping extensions and will distribute the design once done.  They anticipate design schematics by next week and SRA will distribute as soon as they release them.  Cal Water will contact individual homeowners as soon as the plans are released.

Road conditions in SeaView brought up concern that emergency response capabilities are being eroded within the neighborhood.  Ara reported that the City has been in communication with first responders and currently they report accessibility to all areas/residences.  First responder agencies have been canvassing neighborhood weekly to reassess.


City Projects

  • PVDS road repairs continue.  The City Staff will be asking City Council to close PVDS to bicyclists and motorcycles for safety reasons at the upcoming City Council meeting on the 18th.  Residents are encouraged to attend/participate in this meeting to voice your opinions.  
  • Drilling of test bore holes started Monday into yesterday. Progressing rapidly.  Expecting to start next one by next Monday.  Data collection from these will direct next steps.
  • Continued work on the EIR and larger project to finalize it.
  • E2 borings will be happening in the Peppertree area.  Questions were raised as to where the staging would be located for the equipment needed for the borings.  The final location is yet to be determined.
  • GPS report.  Preliminary summary findings: Mike Phipps
    • April and May.  An average 41% increase in movement velocity across the entire landslide complex.  This is less than the rate of increase seen earlier this year (March/January was in the range of 130-200% increase.  March/April was about 70% increase), but the land movement continues to increase.  Greatest in Klondike Canyon 50-75%.  Translates to average velocity of 2-3 inches up to 9 inches/week adjacent to the PB slide.  Highest is 13 inches/week in the middle of the KC complex in the preserve.  Overall movement is in the 9-10 inch/week range. Abalone Cove 7-11 inches per week.  Vanderlip area is 5-10 inches/week.
    • Surveillance of Seaview, PBC, Drill sites.  Further debridement of conditions.
    • Raw data will be posted to the City Website by the end of the week.  Final data will be available before the upcoming City Council meeting.
    • Next reading will be in July.
  • Road repairs.  June 18th meeting there will be a request for prohibiting bicycles and motorcycles along PVDS due to risk of injury.
  • There have been some claims against the City which is prompting this action.  Residents are encouraged to attend the meeting or submit comments.  City Staff recommendations have been posted to the city website.


  • Kelvin canyon drain to Vanderlip drive is finished.
  • ACLAD passed the assessment increase.
  • Approved a resolution to accept fast track loan from RPV.
  • Currently have 4 sheared wells. Looking into alternate pumps to replace the deep well pumps.


  • Applications made for State funding from the disaster assistance efforts.  Have passed the first barriers for one of these. Completed requests for information on the remaining applications.
  • Awaiting information from the US House of Representatives funding for projects
  • Will be voting on the City loan next week.
  • Have received bill for a new deep well.
  • Past Saturday had a line break in the wells at the beach. Repaired.
  • Water table reading have remained about the same. Not going down further.  Steve Cummins thinks the recent pipe break may have been slowly developing which led to water loss that was not appreciated until the final break this past Saturday.
  • Working with the City on replacing the tarps in the upper canyon to place sandbags to pool the water and then divert to drainage pipes to carry it down to the beach.
  • Have met with the homeowners where the 48-inch pipe has been uplifted.  Meeting again next week and anticipate being able to fully assess what is going on shortly after that.

LA county disaster

  • In person centers are closed. Reminder that the final date for submission will be in July 16th as previously posted.  Damages must be related to 1/31-2/9 storms.
  • SBA will not do briefings as a town hall, so residents are encouraged to apply online and use the help lines.

Rolling Hills

  • Anticipated meeting with RPV in the month of June.