03/29/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder and KCLAD Meetings



KCLAD Meeting, 3-25-24, Agenda/ Notes

  1. Klondike Canyon Drains
         a.  Sandbags checked and replaced.
         Upper Canyon Drain
         Artesian Well (Beach drain)
         a.  Drains cleaned out.
         b. Pumping efficiency – refer to the KCLAD well measurements segment.
  2. Seaview Area Report
         a. Cal Water continues the planning on Water Main piping replacement.
  3. Klondike channel maintenance plan
         a. Work to continue.
  4. Sub slide maintenance.
         a. Reviewed with City, may require new channels.
  5. Video presentation for district
         a. KCLAD, may develop a website.
  6. P.B. slide dirt removal.
         a. Work ongoing.
  7. Special Election information – April 9, 2024.
         a. There are three candidates for Board.
                Nick Grillo
                Dennis Jaconi
                Sha Tahmasebi
  8. New Business
         a. The Board approved a preliminary Budget.
         b. A marketing plan will accompany the final budget.
         c. District Homeowners assessments are being calculated based on the 5-Step Plan (refer to the KCLAD segment), and final budget.
  9. Maintenance & Operations Warrant Register – 26, 2024 & March 25, 2024
         a. The Board approved the Warrants of February & March.
  10. Adjournment – The Next Scheduled meeting is Monday, April 22, 2024 (via zoom)


Stakeholders Meeting, 3-27-24

Working Group Purpose: “We are committed to evaluating and addressing every concern the community has for this important initiative. We will look to share information and ideas amongst all the major stakeholders and initiate short-term measures for proactive success. The community has spoken and the City is taking action.”



Current, Short-Term, and Long-Term Mitigation Projects

Presenter(s): Ramzi Awwad, Jayme Fairfield

  • See Table 2 below.
Declaration(s) of Emergency

Presenter(s): Ara Mihranian, Ramzi Awwad, Brandy Villanueva

  • Governor Newsome moved the request forward to President Biden for a declaration of federal disaster. Once Ara Mihranian hears back, he will inform this group.
Los Angeles County Disaster Management AREA G

Presenter(s): Brandy Villanueva, Jesse Villalpando

  • Cal OES has a list of “Open State of Emergency Proclamations” which includes the event type, location (counties unless otherwise indicated), proclamation date as well as executive orders (if any). If click, the Event type will open the proclamation of emergency.  https://www.caloes.ca.gov/office-of-the-director/policy-administration/legal-affairs/emergency-proclamations/
  • FEMA has a “Disasters and Other Declarations” page on the website which allows for the general public to search for a specific federal declaration. It can be searched via year, declaration type, incident type and/or Tribe. For California specific declaration, the most efficient way to search if to put in the year range, leave both the declaration and incident type as “any” and select the state. This search will narrow down the declarations quickly. Once the desired declaration is located, if opened, all information pertaining to the disaster number, incident period, declaration date, resources, funding obligation, impacted and approved counties, disaster recovery center, etc. is outlined. https://www.fema.gov/disaster/declarations
  • Brandy Villanueva and Jesse Villalpando have meetings set this week and next week for contingency planning.
Geotechnical Updates

Presenter(s): Ramzi Awwad, Mike Phipps, Scott Kerwin

  • On 3/25/2024, Mike Phipps toured landslide with Ramzi Awwad and Ara Mihranian, as well as looked at a separate landslide off Sea Cove Dr. Mike is reviewing data to confirm it is a separate slide.
  • Mike Phipps is researching and preparing a list of new monitoring points that are accessible for surveying.
  • Mike Phipps is preparing a memorandum for open space management at the seepage points. He is also working on providing a map for Bajada Engineering (Cal Water’s consultant).
  • Mike Phipps will be in the field again next week.
Coordination with the City of Rolling Hills

Presenter(s): Ara Mihranian, Karina Banales

  • No updates.
General Comments or Questions

Presenter(s): Working Group

  • The Town Hall Meeting related to the landslide will be help on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 6:00 pm at Ladera Linda. The City invites ACLAD, KCLAD, PBCA, PBC, Seaview, and the utilities to present and answer questions. The City will publish a formal announcement and invite. This will be a hybrid meeting of in-person and virtual.
  • Due to a lack of quorum, there will be no City Council meeting on April 2, 2024. The next City Council meeting will be April 16, 2024.
  • Ramzi Awwad and Ara Mihranian attended a field tour hosted by ACLAD and KCLAD of the Abalone Cove Landslide and Klondike Canyon Landslide, respectively.
  • KCLAD: There are 107 homes in the district. Elections are upcoming and their budget is being worked on and finalized.
  • ACLAD: Is in their budget process and is also in their election cycle. Gordon will follow up on timing.
  • The City attorneys are working on loan terms for ACLAD and KCALD. Ara Mihranian does not have specifics yet but will provide information when they have more. It could be around $1.5M. Ara is looking to take this to City Council on 4/16/2024.
  • The City issued a technical memo to assess the impact of Flying Triangle septic tanks. The City is looking to have it ready in April 2024. Working Group

Presenter(s): Ara Mihranian, Jayme Fairfield


Activity Responsible
Status from 3/20/2024 Meeting Estimated


Guardrail to Protect Above-Ground Sewer Trunk Lines on Palos Verdes Drive South LACSD
  • Construction is imminent and should take about one week. LACSD will closely coordinate with the City due to adjacent projects.
Feb 2024
Underground Sewer Lines in Seaview Neighborhood

LACPW: Mains

Homeowners: Laterals

  • Completed the last repair two weeks ago. There are currently no other issues. All lines are functioning.
  • The City requested regular CCTV inspections. The City and LACPW will discuss further, including an inspection schedule.
Sewer Lines in Portuguese Bend Community City

Completed two sections:

  • 70 feet on Vanderlip
  • 400 feet on Narcissa
  • A new collar and reinspection is necessary
Leaning SCE Power Poles Repairs Southern California Edison (SCE)
  • The four poles in Seaview were replaced on 3/21/2024.
  • SCE has completed the first phase of pole removal on Burma Trail. Frontier Communication’s work is mostly complete. Frontier is coordinating with Nikki Noushkam and her neighbor for access to the remaining poles.
  • One pole was knocked down at 20 Vanderlip. Juan Hernandez will follow up.
Gas Lines in Portuguese Bend Community SoCal Gas ·  No updates. TBD
Water Mains in Seaview Neighborhood Cal Water ·  No updates. TBD
Water Mains in Portuguese Bend Community Association Cal Water ·  No updates. TBD
Vanderlip Trail Water Mains Cal Water ·  No updates. TBD
Vanderlip Drive Water Mains Cal Water ·  No updates. TBD
Portuguese Bend Club Cal Water ·  No updates. TBD
PVDS at Wayfarers Chapel Cal Water
  • Want to coordinate with the City on PVDS repairs so that Cal Water work does not interfere with other City construction projects along PVDS at Wayfarers Chapel.


Portuguese Bend Landslide EIR and Final Engineering City
  • Work continues to finalize the EIR.
  • Emergency hydraugers design continues. Should have a draft ready for City Council approval on 4/16/2024.
  • Final design continues and will address all comments from the EIR.
October 2024
PVDS at Peppertree Drainage City ·  No changes. Waiting for next steps with FEMA. TBD
GPS Surveying of Landslide Movement City
  • Next survey is mid-April 2024 and the City is adding several more monitoring points.
  • There are currently 79 monitoring points.
PVDS Roadway Repairs City
  • Interim repairs at the ski jump were completed 3/26/2024. It helped to some extent.
  • The City is working on a design at the ski jump for a more substantial repair. The City is mindful of closing PVDS and looking to minimize construction closure(s).
  • New signage installation will start on or about 4/5/2025.
Crack-Filling in Seaview Neighborhood City (RPV)
  • Crack filling will continue as needed.
  • The City maintenance crews will check tarps and sandbags on 3/29/2024 before forecasted rain this weekend. This is the City’s standard protocol.
  • It was requested that the City distribute tarps and sandbags to the Portuguese Bend Community. Residents can contact the City’s PW department for tarps and sandbags.


Road Repairs in the Portuguese Bend Community Portuguese Bend Community Association
  • Getting road bids for:
    • Narcissa above Wayfarers Chapel through the Narcissa gate
    • Sweet Bay (trying to turn it into the main truck road)
    • Cinnamon
  • PBCA’s next executive session 5/1/2024.
  • At East Pomegranate, the contracted repairs have still not been completed.
KCLAD Dewatering Wells KCLAD
  • Pumping volume is currently 214 gpm from the two deep wells and two shallow wells.
  • There was a slight drop in water table levels. This could change with the upcoming rains.
  • The force main was repaired on 3/25/2024, water is now going directly to the ocean.
  • At the existing well with broken casing, the casing was sheared off at about 20 feet down. Testing will take place to see if it can be repaired and used or will need to be abandoned.
  • Water levels are measures with a reeled, laser-marked tape that senses the water level. The measurement is taken three times and then averaged. Measurements are taken weekly.
Klondike Canyon Fissures KCLAD & City
  • The City checked the tarps and sandbags.
Klondike Canyon Culvert and Pipe KCLAD & City
  • Funding requests are still being submitted to funding agencies.
Lower Seaview/ PVDS at Klondike Canyon Drainage KCLAD & City
  • The beach has been pushed up.
ACLAD Dewatering Wells ACLAD
  • ACLAD purchased an acoustic meter but have not been successful yet in using it.
  • Normal well maintenance continues.
  • Well #8 on Sweet Bay Road is not working. The well appeared to be sheared. Katherine Carr is a geologist and specializes in well repair and rehabilitation; she can help ACLAD with this. She provided her contact information to Gordon Leon.
  • ACLAD is looking for a vendor for the 4” line.
Dewatering Wells South of PVDS ACLAD & City
  • Wells #9 and #19 are ready for inspection. The drains that go to the ocean are in place.
Feb 2024
General Maintenance ACLAD ·  No updates. Ongoing
Kelvin Canyon Spring ACLAD & City ·  No updates. TBD
Altamira Canyon Lining ACLAD, RPV, and LACPW
  • Had a meeting with Senator Butler’s staff on 3/19/2024. They usually only make $1-2M grants. The total lining is roughly $20. ACLAD will be asking for $4.5M. Gordon is also working on requesting funding from other county and state officials.