03/22/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: CHOA and Stakeholder Meetings



03/22/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: CHOA & Stakeholders Meetings

CHOA Meeting 3-20-2024.

  • As a note, There are seventy-one (71) Homeowner Associations in the City, including the SeaView Residents Association (SRA)
  • The Council of Homeowners Association Meeting was the inaugural meeting at the newly opened Ladera Linda Community Center.
  • The meeting opened with a welcome from CHOA President Dave Emenhiser, who introduced the evenings speakers: LA County Supervisor 4th District, Janice Hahn; RPV Council Member, David Bradley; RPV City Manager, Ara Mihranian.
    • Supervisor Hahn introduced Lomita Sheriff’s Station Captain Kimberly Guerrero, who spoke about RPV Trail policing with ATV’s and Mounted Patrols. Additionally, she talked about the Retail Theft Taskforce, supported by a State Grant. To date, there have been over five hundred arrests.
    • Supervisor Hahn spoke about trying to curtail the homeless problem through a new Encampment Focused Program, where they relocate an entire group of people into established housing. LA County is buying existing Hotel/ Motel buildings and converting them into temporary housing. She explained that it took 1/3 of the time to complete at 1/2 of the cost of building homes. An example of the EFP was recently completed locally in San Pedro. The “Louis Dominguez Veterans Center” at the intersection of Gaffey and 1st Street, is specifically focused on homeless veterans.
    • Council Member Bradley spoke about the Cities commitment to make the land movement in our area their top priority.
    • City Manager Mihranian spoke about the new Ladera Linda Community Center’s ability to service the needs of the residents of RPV. Additionally, he provided an update on the land movement with a focus on PV Drive South.
  • As the Meeting ran late, there was no other business discussed, and will be on the May 15, 2024 Agenda.

Stakeholders Meeting 3-20-2024.

  • City Council updates
    • Awaiting governor to complete request for disaster declaration. Cost estimates have been submitted.  Approx $31-32 M which meets the threshold for economic loss. Unknown what the presidential response will be and what category the response will be in. This will greatly impact which groups can receive support.
    • Approval to work with KCLAD and ACLAD on loans for urgent projects (See below).
    • Extension of emergency declaration.
  • PVDS guardrails.  City trying to coordinate timing of placement
  • LA County was not at the meeting.  No update on SeaView plans for rerouting of the pipelines.
  • PB sewer lines.  CCTV inspections have been done.  One area along Vanderlip has damage which will be repaired.
  • SCE power poles.  Work ongoing.  Outage in Seaview tomorrow Thursday 3/21 will be around the pole repairs and replacement.  Frontier will be coordinating with property owners as to timing of equipment replacement.
  • Cal Water.  No updates for Seaview.  Ongoing work in PBC, Clovetree, and PVDS near Wayfarer’s chapel.
  • So. Cal Gas.  Ongoing site visits in PBC and plans for revisions of gas lines.
  • City updates
    • EIR for PB landslide area.  Final design and recommendations will be going to the City Council in May.
    • GPS survey.  Some additional requests were made at the City Council meeting for additional sites.  They are being planned and will be added to the upcoming April survey.
    • New fissure opening up outside of landslide area.  Geologist investigating.  Near Sea Cove.  There will be added monitoring in this area.
    • PVDS repairs.  Plans are evolving for repair of the road with options being considered for how to handle traffic during that time.
    • SeaView neighborhood.  Ongoing filling of cracks and check of tarps.  Teams were in the neighborhood today for work at Dauntless/Exultant.  No new updates
  • PB community updates
    • Ongoing solicitation of bids for road repair work.
    • Outlet drains have been uplifted by land movement.  Work to repair these and redirect them.
    • (4) active pumps running.  (209) gal/minute.  Water table has dropped (2) feet in one week.
    • New well location being considered.  City Council has approved funding KCLAD well.
    • (5) step program was approved by the City Council. City Staff to work with KCLAD on loan agreement for ~$1.2M. Elements of the program will be fast tracked by KCLAD once they complete the agreement with the City.
    • Meeting with Senator Butler staff member about Altamira Canyon.  The project has asked for, would take approx. $22M.  This is beyond what the Senators office could grant.  ACLAD will split the project into parts that could be fundable and will submit to the Senators office.
    • Vanderlip area has had multiple line breaks with large amounts of water being released.  New fissures are opening.  There have been sewer line breaks in this area also.  Vanderlip Road has sustained heavy damage which is undergoing repair.
  • Request was made to start preparing for fire season given the road disruptions for Burma Road and road outages. The City is working on some of this already and will update plans and preparedness for future meetings.
  • City of Rolling Hills.  There is a plan for a multiphase project for sewer lines.  Funding has been requested.  This will include an (8)-inch sewer line along Portuguese Bend Road and Rolling Hills road.  Details on this plan are pending.