03/08/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Cal Water meeting and Stakeholder Meeting Combined Notes



Cal Water and Stakeholders Meetings – Combined Notes

Additionally, A KCLAD Report on FEMA Funding Request

Cal Water Meeting – 3-04-24

  • A reminder that low water flow that was seen on Stalwart a few weeks ago was related to high water use by the golf course. There is no recycled water system in the area for the golf course to use.
  • There was a recent water leak on Admirable. Was found to be on the customer side of the water lines and was taken care of by the resident.
  • There have been no water line breaks in Rolling Hills. There is already above ground piping in much of the community dating back to 1970s.
  • Designs for the PVDS area and the West side of Seaview are being expedited by the geology design team.
  • There is ongoing measurement of the swing joints in Seaview on a regular basis by Cal Water teams.

KCLAD planning for land movement projects. Meeting of KCLAD and a proposed list of projects was submitted for assistance by FEMA funding. The report is provided to KCLAD members and is posted to the SRA website, courtesy of Deridre Heimer who has been participating in that group. The SRA encourages the community to read this informative report: [KCLAD Report on FEMA Funding Request].

Stakeholders Meeting – 3-06-24

  • Emergency declaration
    • There were presidential declarations for emergencies related to the 2023 storms.
      • Collection of damage information was collected and has been submitted.
      • There are still no funds that have been authorized for work done because of the disaster declarations requests that have been submitted.
    • Emergency and disaster declarations are being pursued at state and national level for the 2024 January and February storms. Rainfall damages are believed to be sufficient to allow for triggering these. Information has been submitted to the state for consideration. Timeline for decisions on this are pending. It is not clear what a timeline may be for an answer/determination on these. In aggregate the city and landslide districts submitted damage claims of more than $30M.
      • This is going be a very complicated process as it is not clear what items that have been claimed will be covered.
      • There are ongoing needs for funding to do urgent work are needed by the landslide abatement districts now. There is not clarity on the size or timing of funding that may arise from these.
    • Geotechnical updates
      • No recent activity to report. Some updating of movement maps for the upcoming City Council meeting. Next land movement survey has been set back due to rains. Anticipating measurements to start this week.
  • Upcoming City council meeting. City staff will be recommending what emergency measures to proceed with. Citizens are encouraged to attend and participate. City report will be available ahead of the meeting and can be downloaded from the City web site.
  • Urgent work being done on Narcissa Drive as retaining wall is collapsing. There is ongoing evaluation of what can be done. Challenge is that there are no funds available from the HOA to repair the road. Decisions on closure or not would rest with the HOA and not the city as it is a private road. City engineers can assist in the assessment and make recommendations, but ultimately final decisions on the road are up to the HOA.
  • City of Rolling Hills. No updates
  • Portuguese Bend EIR updates. Final recommendations being prepared for May City Council Meeting. Two proposed hydraugers are being accelerated for emergency stabilization efforts. That will be presented to the city council at the March 19th City Council Meeting. Anticipated start date will be April this year.
  • Peppertree drainage. No updates
  • PVDS roadway repairs. Traffic engineering company and geology consultants to look at PVDS signage for speed and truck size have been reviewed and found to be correct. Signage is felt to be appropriate. There were ongoing concerns still about signage and warning lights from community members. Ramzi will relook at these especially at the “ski jump” and at the entry from Peppertree to PVDS. There is some preliminary planning around a more comprehensive repair to the “ski jump” area.
  • Seaview road repairs. No new updates. There has been observation of pooling of water around sandbags. Teams will be dispatched to assess this.
  • Portuguese Bend Road repairs. Ongoing repairs.
  • Sewer lines. Most of the work ongoing in Narcissa and Cinnamon areas.
  • So. Cal Edison Update
    • Work has started in the preserve to remove 40 leaning SCE poles in the area.
  • So. Cal Gas Update
    • An isolation valve has been installed in the PBC community as a safety measure. No other updates to report.
  • Cal Water Updates
    • Clove tree project in PB completed. Water samples have been sent. Anticipating tie into main line soon.
    • Materials for swing joints are remaining water mains in PB
    • Replacement for the main lines along Vanderlip has ongoing planning.
    • New project within PB beach club area in area of high land movement to place swing joints into the area.
    • 855-rpv-leak line is back up and operational. It is the PV specific hot line for water issues. There is always the 310-257-1400 line for regular phone reporting of problems also.
  • KCLAD.
    • New shallow well put in on Friday with sump pump near the tennis courts. 30 gal/min. This one is intended to drop water table low enough to get into the sheared off well for repairs. Number 1 well did go down at about the same time but is expected to be up and running this week as seems to be control box issue. Geologist is back in town. Looking for new well location. Likely to be near the existing wells. Anticipating timeline will be relatively short as they have funding for another well.
    • Water table levels remaining stable. Rises with rain, then drops during dryer spells.
    • Estimates for piping for drainage at the bottom and top of the canyon were made and given to city to submit for FEMA funding.
    • Ongoing clearance of drainage pipes from storm swell damage.
    • Recent break in drainage line that goes up to PVDS. Well system down for repairs.
    • Looking to replace Narcissa line to PVDS. Multiple failures of the existing line.
    • #6 pump has sheared. Working on repairs/replacement.