12/22/23 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Cal Water, KCLAD, City Council and Stakeholders Meetings



Has been a busy week. See below for a summary of Meeting Discussions.

Cal Water Meeting

  1. Dauntless project is completed. Admirable project underway. Anticipating flushing of water and water testing later this week. Once test results come back, there will be notification of hook up dates when water service will be impacted. Cal Water has promised that no interruption will occur on Christmas day or New Years Day.
  2. Exultant project awaiting materials. Once they arrive, elevation of pipes there will occur.
  3. Rolling Hills – no new updates. Initial review of the pipes in the community did not show any leaks.
  4. Portuguese Bend plans for the inflow pipe traversing the preserve are still underway. There have not been any leaks or ruptures there. There is monitoring equipment in place.

KCLAD Meeting

  1. Updates on new well drilling. Ready to become operational. Need to change out the pump that arrived. Anticipate ready in a few days. Anticipated output 120 gallons/minute.
  2. If able to get water table down, will be able to then fix other well with bent casing. The third well only pumps about 30 gallons a minute. Hoping to clean that once the new well if operating.
  3. Work with the city at the upper end of the canyon to fill fissures has been underway (plan outline in the last email update that went out from the SRA Board). Some changes and edits to that plan:
    1. With oncoming rains, tarps have been down temporarily. Plans are underway to fill more fissures and mitigate water intrusion.
    2. Longer term plan is expected to be completed In January.
    3. There will be efforts made to line the floor of the canyon with a polyethylene lining. Longer-term plans are being made to channel water further down the canyon.
    4. A drainage swale will be created to channel water coming down from zone A into the canyon.
  4. Drains at the beach remain clear and functional.
  5. Water samples are being taken to be sent to UC Davis. Checking for chlorine, sewage, salinity in effort to track down water sources.
  6. Test well in Seaview still to be done. Will be in 2024. Anticipate it will be about 50 feet deep. Determination of whether to pump will depend upon the level of the water table.
  7. Sub-slide project along PV drive South. Plan ready to go to city. KCLAD will be asking the City for both approval of the plan and if there is any financial help to save funds for possible additional well.
  8. Ongoing work with the city to seek FEMA, County, State fundings to offset current expenses. Ara Mihranian working with Landslide Districts and writing to County and State for help.
  9. Land movement to decrease stress along the PB and Klondike Canyon slides at the beach is progressing.
  10. Resolutions passed by the board to hold elections for the vacant board seats. Date to be 4/9/24. There are currently two candidates. If no additional candidates come forward before elections commence, the District will not need to hold an election and can avoid additional costs. Official notifications will go to KCLAD District members in early 2024.

City Council Meeting

  1. Geologists presented heat maps of land movement. A screen shot is below. (We will provide the final maps as soon as they become available). In Abalone Cove and Portuguese Bend, near the beach, land movement is now at a rate of 4-6 feet a year. Klondike Canyon movement has been 2-3 feet in the past year. Land movement is slower higher up in the canyons, but the area of land movement is approaching that of the ancient landslide and is a larger area than in the past 40 years.

In the maps, yellow is the ancient landslide, Pink is the historical land movement going back to the 80’s and red is the recent movement. Geologists’ opinion is that is it rain that is the main driver of land movement. Noted that we had 26 inches of rain at the Rolling Hills fire station last winter. Land movement was slowing down up to the tropical storm at which time we had 3 inches of rain. Land movement accelerated after that. Of note, historical pumping/water removal rates in a first quick review were 2-3 x higher in the 90s than now. City geologists are going to look much more closely at this.

  1. The City passed the extension of the state of emergency declaration.
  2. It was asked of the city to consider purchasing/eminent domain over the red tagged house that is now undergoing foreclosure in SeaView. The City Council has asked the City Attorney to investigate this.
  3. It was asked and the City Council will ask City Staff to consider more actions for water mitigation including funding more wells. The ask of the City Council was for the City Staff to come back with specific projects and to work to get funding from LA County to assist in these projects.

Stakeholders Meeting

  1. Recap of City Council meeting. Emergency Declaration extended.
  2. City Hall closes next week, but Staff is on call for any emergencies.
  3. Disaster planning. Test of South Bay Disaster system will be done on 1/9/24. Alert will be issued on that day. We encourage SeaView Residents to sign up for ALERT SOUTHBAY so that you will receive notifications. Go to https://alertsouthbay.com to register.
  4. Geotechnical updates.
    1. Some recommendations for a new ground movement monitoring system to be investigated. NSar is being discussed as a technology for possible use.
    2. Old maps and studies from prior studies are being reviewed. Effort to digitize those will be underway.
    3. Focus areas for fissure filling discussed. Some additional areas besides Klondike Canyon have been identified.
    4. There is an effort to look at the de-watering capabilities in the 90’s compared to now. At first glance, it appears that there was higher capacity for dewatering the past. Mike Phipps (City Geologist) is working through a process to assess past and present de-watering capacities. ACLAD has noted that the current water levels they are seeing are comparable to those in the 90’s.
  5. Mitigation projects
    1. The trails were fully closed due to rain. Olmstead trail shows lots of stress and failure. The City will look to see if they can tarp the fissures in the area.
    2. SCE power poles. Still work in progress. Frontier and Edison communicating. Work still to be completed.
    3. Gas lines. Ramzi mentioned a report of SeaView gas leak on Admirable. The City asked the Gas Company about its response to the community versus the City as there was not a rapid response answer to the community members. The Gas Company will investigate the episode and review its response protocols.
    4. Above ground water pipes in SeaView. Still looking at options for protection of the above ground pipes along Dauntless and Exultant. Water sampling is being completed for Admirable pipes this week. Material arrived for Exultant. Ready to begin that work upon completion of Admirable. Plans for monitoring of pipes will be developed and presented upon completion of all the projects.
    5. PB water redesign. Cal water vetting geologists. Plans pending that. The request of the City and community representatives was to develop initial plan and modify based upon Geotech recommendations. To also order materials now. Cal Water will reassess this.
    6. KCLAD update. Work progressing well to cover fissures with tarps and sandbag ridge going into SeaView. The city has helped greatly by clearing fissures. A new pump is going into the new well. May have short delay due to rains. Plan to fix well 2 by the courts once new pump working.
    7. ACLAD. Two new wells are near completion. Having some difficulties with 3rd well. May need to be abandoned and move onto the 4th well. Plans for two more wells that are upslope. High levels of iron bacteria are being seen. New large fissure near Cinnamon and Narcissa. Has been covered by a tarp provided by the City just ahead of the rains. Planning for the lining of Altemier Canyon is progressing.