11/24/23 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Weekly Stakeholders Meeting and Geological Input



Weekly Stakeholders Meeting:

  • Declaration of Local Emergency will be revisited by the City Council on 12/19/23.
  • Los Angeles County Disaster Management AREA G
    • RPV is preparing for any potential situation.
      • City is coordinating with various organizations for housing for potential displaced residents.
    • KCLAD and ACLAD should be keeping track of all expenses from the first of this year.
      • Temporary de-watering wells are allowed for reimbursement.
    • There will be a coordination meeting with RPV, Utilities and Office of Emergency Management (OEM) on 12/27/23.
  • Preserve Conditions
    • The City has provided tarps and sandbags for residents and public areas.
    • The City has filled fissures on public properties.
    • There has been significant land movement on the trails. RPV asks the public to comply with trail closures.
  • SeaView Conditions and Road Repair
    • There was a site inspection meeting on Friday, 11/17/223 with RPV, SCE, Frontier, and some Residents.
      • There are four (4) Utility Polls that require immediate attention.
      • The Utilities are working with urgency to correct the situation.
      • The Utilities will perform an audit on all Utility Polls in the Land Movement area.
    • Water Main Pipe relocation to above ground is proceeding on schedule.
      • One Resident has requested that the pipes be placed in the street (not above the curb) at their property.
        • If the request is approved, after a thorough review by the City, it will be performed after the completion of the original scheduled work.
        • The City assured the Working Group that there will be no hold-up to the schedule due to this request.
    • L A County recently scoped the Sewer System in the Land Movement area, and found no breakage in the Sewer Pipes
    • SeaView Residents within the Land Movement area are strongly reminded to have their lateral sewer pipe (the sewer pipe between the house and the street) scoped for potential breakage or leaks.
      • As these sewer pipes are on private property, LA County will not perform the work.
      • Note: Any competent licensed plumber can perform the work.
        • At this time, the cost is not reimbursable, the City is investigating potential funding.
    • The proposed de-watering well on Dauntless Dr has been postponed until the pipe relocation work is completed.


  • Geological Input
    • There will be a Geologist Coordination Meeting [(4) Geologists] on Tuesday, 11-28-23.
      • The Working Group should expect a report at a future (perhaps at the 12-6-23) meeting.
      • A dewatering well drilling, at the beach, will begin on Monday, 11-27-23.
        • The well will be 150’ deep and will take about a week to drill it out to the 14” size. The following week they will install a 8” well casing, pump and drain pipe during the following week. The new well is expected to be operational by the 8th of December. They are anticipating 100GPM from this well. That will enable them to take the first well pump offline and repair the damaged well casing. They are hoping to be pumping about 250GPM out of the pumps at the beach in about 6 weeks, they have been getting between 54 and 72GPM in 2023, so this would be a significant improvement in water extraction.
      • The PV South Cul-de-sac and Klondike Canyon drainage to be addressed, prior to the winter rains, to move residual water to the ocean.
      • Storm Drains were opened on Friday, 11-17-23 to allow free flow of water directly to the ocean.