10/27/23 COMMUNITY NOTICE from SRA Board: KCLAD and Stake Holders Meeting Summary of Notes


In this past week, the Klondike Canyon Landslide Abatement District (KCLAD) and the city organized Stakeholders group held meetings. As we receive the formal minutes to these meetings, please look to the Seaview Residents Association website, NEWS section for a link to the appropriate website for updated minutes of the meetings.

Briefly: Next week, Cal Water will hold a walk through for interested Seaview Residents of their plan to temporarily elevate water pipelines above ground in the Dauntless/Exultant intersection area. This will be at 9:00 AM on November 1st (Wed). All residents near the area are encouraged to attend.


  • Clearing vegetation from existing drainpipes with city help. Plans for drainage at the top of the canyon have been made. Will not be operational until next year, but moving through city clearance.
  •  Recently opened fissures have been recommended not to be filled due to adding weight to landslide area. An Investigation is underway to attempt to block runoff into the fissures with the rainy season.
  • Bids are out for a new de-watering well near the Dauntless/Exultant intersection. Coordination with the power company underway to power it.
  • Water tables in the existing wells have leveled off and are still high
  • There is a functioning well near the beach. A second deep well is planned. There is a shallower pump also in place and functioning.
  • KCLAD is working through the process to fill its two open board seats with SRA members. This will take some time. In the meantime, SRA households within the KCLAD district will receive invites to the KCLAD meetings.

Stake Holders Meeting

Cal Water

  • Has now installed 60 acoustic sensors in the area with 6 additional flow sensors. They will provide a map of the sensor locations to the City and interested community groups.
  • There was a recent leak again at Dauntless and Exultant. Per Cal Water, the sensors did detect the leak. SRA community members raised the alarm first. Concerns raised about response times  and getting water shut off in timely manner will be raised at the next meeting.
  • The raising of pipes above ground is ready to go. Supplies have been purchased. Final stages of city permit are almost complete. Walk through for community on Nov 1st as noted above.
  • An update on the internal investigation of the existing pipe structural problems will be made at the next stakeholder meeting. A separate session will be held on Nov 1st with concerned SRA members.
  • There will be elevation of the water main. This needs to undergo public notification so more to come on this in the near future.
  • Ask was made to detail how pipe protection in the preserve will be done. No update on that.

Southern California Edison

  • Did a walk through of Seaview last week. They do have concerns about some of the poles in the area.
  • It is important for Seaview residents to grant access to the SCE teams to get to the poles. All residents are strongly encouraged to cooperate with their surveillance and repair efforts.
  • There are leaning power poles in the preserve. The city reports that power to these lines has been cut off so there is no potential fire or loss of power risk from these.

LA County Public Works/ Sanitation

  • They have done video surveillance of sewer lines in the neighborhood. All are intact. They do advise households near the active slide areas to do independent check of the sewer laterals (the sewer line between the house and the street) as the county is not responsible for that section of sewer pipe. Use of a certified plumber with proper equipment is advised. KCLAD is contracting to inspect the laterals of 3 homes near the Dauntless/Exultant intersection.

Geology Reports

  • New sensors have been placed in Seaview and other areas outside of the historical slide zones. The city will report findings in a few weeks and will be posting on it’s website data about recent and  historical movement.
  • Abalone Cove showed a graph of recent activity. The land movement in Abalone Cove has markedly accelerated over the past 6 months and is approaching levels of movement in line with the 1960 landslide. It is exceeding 3 feet a year.

Emergency Declaration

  • Will be on the city council agenda November 14 for review.
  • The building moratorium is not yet in effect so you may see ongoing construction projects.