09/18/23 COMMUNITY NOTICE: Message from SRA President Jerry Duhovic



SRA President Jerry Duhovic’s Community Message

Dear SRA Members,

As you have undoubtedly heard, the western section of our neighborhood, more specifically the area surrounding the Dauntless Drive and Exultant Drive intersection, is experiencing significant ground water issues that have led to land movement and two homes being Red Tagged (deemed uninhabitable) in that immediate area. There are also other significant water issues related to the Klondike Canyon area.

This is a very important issue. It not only affects neighborhood safety and quality of life, but it can also affect the value of homes.

It is imperative that we get in front of the City Council and Senior City Staff and let them know what our issues are and how serious the situation is. The good news is that they are already in tune to this subject. Notwithstanding, they need to know that we, as directly interested parties, want to be involved, need to be involved, and will work with the City Council and Staff to address this very important situation.


The next City Council meeting is
this coming Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – 7 PM

You do not have to be a subject matter expert or speak on specific points. You can simply go on record stating that you are very concerned, or that you are looking for action and attention by the City Council and City Staff, or that you agree with the SRA Board, or that you agree with other speakers, or whatever you would like to say on the topic. It’s just important that the decision makers see how involved and concerned the neighborhood residents are with respect to this issue.

You can participate in the meeting in person, or via Zoom.
Please see City Provided Link Above.     


Additionally, please click here to view the Staff Report – Landslide Utilities Report [PDF].

We must stay involved and vigilant.  This is going to be a complex and long-term endeavor.

We look forward to your participation in this very important matter.
