Utilities, SRA Board & City Update Meeting Notes
The most significant news this week is in the City’s geotechnical updates. The rate of land movement is slowing dramatically (see below).
The City will continue with the Rotary Club hosting dinner at Ladera Linda on Wednesday. This past Wednesday was a very nice gathering. All SRA members and all SeaView residents are encouraged to attend these community gatherings for an opportunity to gather with our neighbors over dinner that is being provided by local restaurants. A special thanks to Gaetano’s restaurant who provided this past week’s dinner. Refer to this PDF attachment for all dinners in October.
Utilities updates
- SoCal Gas notified us that funds available for residents who have had gas shut off in SeaView, the Beach Club, and Rolling Hills has been sent to the Rotary Club and received by them as of Tuesday of this week. The Rotary Club is handling the application and distribution process.
- An inquiry was made to SoCal Electric about whether individual households close to stable utility poles could be possibly electrified. They are looking further into this.
- Cal Water was not at the meeting, but we have been in contact with them and will be having update session. Their update for the week is noted below.
SRA Board Meeting
- Mark Young is sponsoring gatherings of a landslide work group at his home. They will be organizing volunteer activities and may be seeking volunteers to help in the weeks to come.
- Nic Grillo has been organizing for KCLAD information to be available to KCLAD members and is providing those links to all of SRA members.
- KCLAD Facebook Page:
- KCLAD Instagram: @KCLAD_90275
- KCLAD Facebook Page:
- The Palos Verdes Association of Realtors has offered a grant that will be up to $1000 to eligible affected households in the land movement area for costs incurred because of the emergency. Applications are being posted to the KCLAD members of SeaView and to adjacent homes that are also impacted. Nic Grillo and Deirdre Heimer are coordinating that distribution.
- The planned deployment of the Sheriff’s command center to SeaView has been delayed as PBCA is still working to complete their energization of the community gate. In talking with the PBCA community, the equipment has arrived but they are waiting on the contractor to install it. Once that happens, the command center will be coming to SeaView and will be stationed near Schooner and PVDS frontage road. There has been increase patrol activity by the Sheriff’s department. Our planned meeting will include the Sheriff’s department, the City manager, and county fire chief. More to come on a date soon.
- SRA board with be making a request of the City for an additional solar powered light trailer. The location of deployment would be managed by the lighting group that oversaw the initial deployment of lights.
City Updates Meeting:
City Projects.
- Declaration of emergency and Cal OES. County funds have begun to be distributed to applicants in the land movement area who have submitted applications for the $10,000 grants donated by LA County. There will be City teams on site at Ladera Linda from 1-7 today and next Wednesday to help resident through the application process and to distribute checks to successful applicants who have been notified of their awards.
- Road repairs continue.
- Geotechnical updates
- Dewatering Wells. New GPS monitoring survey has been done. Range of deceleration in the deep dewatering wells has been from 65% to 84%. The most significant deceleration has been in the Eastern portion of the slide. Absolute rates are down to from 1.5 to less than an inch a week in SeaView compared to the 4-5 inches a week that were being seen earlier in the year. Water extraction rates have diminished slightly, but wells are still pumping out water at a rate of 100-110 gallons per minute per pump. There is continuing to be a reduction in the water pressure. To date no shearing of wells has occurred.
- Next will be movement into the Western part of the slide. Test drilling is being done. New wells will be planned based upon their findings. First borings have been done near the archery range.
- City will be sharing GPS data with all who are interested.
- Winterization efforts have started.
- Crew for Altamira Canyon has started to mobilize resources to fill fissures. Same with the other canyons.
- SeaView Grabens – getting crews in place and anticipate starting filling of those Grabens next week. There will be anticipated road closures related to this. The City is finalizing that plan and will be communicating with residents via door hangers and via the SRA communication channels so more to come.
- Coordination with City of Rolling Hills. Hydrology investigation is continuing.
- City Sewer Updates
- Ongoing pipe repairs have been ongoing in PBCA and the Beach Club
- LA county Sanitation District
- Ongoing emergency repair work is on track for completion by this November.
- LA county Public Works
- SeaView repairs are completed. Working towards winterization. Ask was made to be sure that all equipment is removed.
- No updates on interactions with the City of Rolling Hills. Scope of the hydrology study has been finalized. They are working towards the operations planning now.
- SoCal Gas. SoCal Edison completed the topping of poles in SeaView. They completed pie plate work in SeaView and will be back next week to complete some final work. An inquiry was made for energization of homes near stable poles in SeaView. They are working on efforts to see if individual homes could be energized that are near stable poles. Further conversation will be offline with So Cal Electric on this topic.
- Cal Water. Kimberly Caballero will be taking Angie’s place and is the community liaison for Cal Water going forward. SeaView above ground pipe installations are complete. Along PVDS water sampling was done yesterday and they anticipate that section will be tied in very soon. That will result is a short-term interruption of water to those households. Cal Water will notify residents ahead of that effort. There are updates that will be coming soon about the visual shielding of the above ground pipes.
- PBCA Road Repairs. No new updates.
There was a meeting with Cal OES and Army Corps of Engineers with city geologists. Included a tour of the area. They are reviewing the city’s mitigation plans and will provide comments on the de-watering well locations and fissure filling.
Meeting with Cal OES was held by the City to discuss the Brick Grant and to explore other potential funding sources.
- Both of the new wells are pumping at about 300 gallons per minute each. They are at about 150 feet deep.
- Repairing leaks in lines. They now have well turn on and turn off team to run generators episodically and not have them running all night long.
- Putting in new drainage pipes throughout the area to divert and hold water for later pumping out of the water.
- New budget will be created at next week’s board meeting.