09/06/23 IMPORTANT COMMUNITY MEETING: SeaView Land Movement
SeaView Residents Association


SeaView Land Movement

Wednesday, September 6, 2023
6:30pm Live & Zoom

Board Member Kit Song’s Home
4220 Admirable Drive


Join Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 521 078 5132 Passcode: 6042023
One tap mobile +16699006833,,5210785132# 

RPV City Manager Ara M. Mihranian will be present to discuss the recent red tagged residence at 4332 Dauntless Dr., that is in addition to the red tag condition at 4361 Exultant Dr.

There appears to have been a broken pipe water leak under 4332 with no sign of ground water. The Fire Department, Building and Safety, Public Works and Calwater have inspected the surrounding properties. All utilities have been shut down at 4332 and 4361; this appears to be an isolated incident. However this area of the neighborhood is experiencing land movement resulting in frequent water pipe breaks.

City Manager Mihranian, along with Ramzi Awwad, Public Works Director and David Rasor, Building Official will be at the meeting to address SRA Neighborhood concerns.

No RSVP is necessary for this Community Meeting.
The meeting will start promptly at 6:30pm.

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