08/30/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board




SoCal Gas, SoCal Edison & Stakeholders Meeting Notes

So Cal Edison

An email from Ara was sent out to the entire community earlier this week. It is posted on our website.  There was talk by SCE about de-energizing a section of Seaview along Dauntless and part of Admirable due to the instability of the poles at the far West end of Seaview.  SCE and the city have negotiated an interim solution and there is ongoing work to redesign the energy grid in Seaview that will take some time. We have had meetings with senior leadership at SCE through contacts that Rayne Sherman had, and they have indicated a willingness to work with us on information flow.

We are organizing a ZOOM virtual community meeting in September to bring information about energy alternatives/Emergency backups to the community. We will update as that matures but are targeting September 19th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.  Please pencil in that time and date. A community email will be sent to all the known email addresses we have, closer to the date.

So Cal Gas

There was a major leak along Exultant on Friday morning beginning at about 3:00 AM.  SoCal gas crews responded quickly and one of the recently installed shut off valves was used to shut off flow to Exultant isolating the leak.   Repair crews have been working on the line.  The damage was due to land movement near the Graben on Exultant.

Emergency Declaration – Support Senate Bill SB 1461 (Allen)

The City staff is concerned about approval, by the governor, of the legislation (SB-1461) proposed by Senator Allen to make land movement a condition that can lead to a declaration of a state of emergency by CAL OES.  They are asking for a letter writing campaign by residents to the governor’s office.  We will be providing a template of the letter and address to send the letter/email in support of passage of the legislation in the coming days.  We will be encouraging all residents to support this initiative as it will help in efforts to secure additional emergency declaration funding for damage related to the land movement.

2024-8-28 Stakeholders Meeting

Some of the other ancillary services like trash are being impacted in land movement communities, but to date all services are still operating.  City has been working with EDCO on access and working with residents on a case-by-case basis.

Emergency Declaration 8/26

  • Moratorium extension is being considered at next week’s City council meeting.  
  • No new updates from disaster management for LA county
  • LA county sanitation district.
    • Was sewer line brake at intersection of PVDS and Narcissa.  The detection of this leak was by an occupant.  Due to land movement that separated coupling joint 6 feet below road level.  The separated joint was repaired with restoration of service.  Estimate of sewage release was 10,000 gallons.  Line is back in service. 
    • Daily inspections continue in the area. 
    • Near Seaview the emergency bypass work continues near Schooner.  There was significant compromise of a manhole and pipe in the area to keep the line in service.  There has been increased activity to fix this.  The bypass is intended to get by the compromised manhole/pipe area.
    • For the time being sewer lines are remaining in service. The intent is to keep the current runs functional and not to do any redirecting of the lines.
  • Seaview sewer. LA Public works.
    • No new updates for Seaview.  We posted the map of the repairs in last week’s update. 
    • City will ask for LA Public works to send out notification of construction schedules and provide notifications of when work is going to be done and where.  City reports that sewer laterals have been found to be impacted.  Recommendation is for all residents in sewer disruptions to have their sewer laterals inspected.  There was dirt soaked with sewage placed behind the barriers in the past.  The City has notified LA Public works that they need to haul contaminated dirt away.  Ask was made and the City will ask LA Public works to clean up the remaining dirt. 
    • Ask was made of the City to work with the utilities on better sensitivity around visitors to the area by their workers.
  • Portuguese Bend sewer lines.  Line relocation is underway. 
  • SCE.
    • Doing repairs off Admirable Drive today. 
    • Safety concerns behind Exultant and Dauntless.  There is a significant part of the community connected to the land outside of the area.  Affected line is near Exultant/Dauntless.  If those poles are decommissioned, may affect all the laterals in the area.   
  • So Cal Gas
    • Updates are being posted on their website every Tuesday.  They are finishing their 13th isolation valve in the area. 
    • There will be updates on restoration of landscaping in the recent construction areas in future meetings.
    • 1-800-427-2200 is the number for any gas leaks.  Emails for other less urgent issues is projectinfo@socalgas.com
  • Cal Water
    • Seaview.  Exultant work has been completed and testing is underway.  Scheduled tie in will happen once that is done. Admirable will be next. 
    • The ask was made by Cal Water to allow teams in the area to do their work and for residents to be respectful of the workers. 
  • Port Bend Landslide project
    • Ongoing boreholes work, planning for winter filling of fissures and drainage work. 
    • Deep well planning is underway. Will be starting with one with plans being up to 5.  
  • PVDS ongoing repairs.  No major updates. 
  • Portuguese Bend Association.  Bids are underway for road repairs.  
  • KCLAD.  Have repaired two wells that were not functioning.  Upgraded power systems were put into all the pumps.  Last Friday, a new well was in place and pumping 200 gallons per minute.  Electrical wiring being redone and the expectation that yield from this well will increase because of this.  Fissure filling bids are still underway.  Drainage pipes are under discussion and plans are not yet finalized. 
  • ACLAD.  They noted that the lawsuits against KCLAD are impacting vendor participation with ACLAD and potential board member recruitment due to fears of litigation.