08/16/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board




Stakeholders Meetings Notes of 8/14/24

TABLE 1: AGENDA ITEMS Presenter(s)

Current, Short-Term, and Long-Term Mitigation Projects

·     See Table 2 below.

Ramzi Awwad
Jayme Fairfield

Declaration(s) of Emergency and Los Angeles County Disaster Management AREA G

·     No updates.

Ara Mihranian

Ramzi Awwad

Brandy Villanueva

Geotechnical Updates

·     Cotton Shires Associates (CSA) is in the process of evaluating the August monitoring data. They should have the data processed by the end of this week.

Ramzi Awwad
Mike Phipps
Scott Kerwin

Coordination with the City of Rolling Hills

·     CSA is conducting a field visit in Rolling Hills tomorrow.

Ara Mihranian
Karina Banales

Funding Initiatives

·     KCLAD and ACLAD: Both Districts are working on FEMA paperwork. Note that FEMA is very thorough in the information they require.

Ara Mihranian

Ramzi Awwad

General Comments or Questions

·     Reminder that cell phone usage while driving is strictly prohibited in the City, including crews from the City, utilities, or project staff.

·     Clauda Gutierrez asked why it was approved in 1982 for water to be drained through Altamira Canyon. The question was sent to Ara about a month ago.

·     Nikki Noushkam reported that she and other residents are concerned about security in the area.

·     Please email landmovement@rpvca.gov with public/residents’ concerns, issue reports, or complaints.

Working Group

·     Weekly Status Meeting: Occurs every Wednesday at 3:00 pm PST. The next meeting is 8/21/2024.

·     Regular Meeting Format: This meeting will be held virtually via Teams. For a Teams link, please email Jayme Fairfield at jfairfield@houtconstruction.com.

·     Notes from past meetings can be found on the City’s website at this link:
RPV Landslide Complex Working Group | Rancho Palos Verdes, CA – Official Website (rpvca.gov).

Ara Mihranian

Jayme Fairfield



Activity Responsible
Notes/Status Estimated
Sewer Lines LACSD

·  LACSD provided the City with their Emergency Action Plan, which contains detailed info in the Palos Verdes area, as well as what to do and what would happen if there was a catastrophic failure of the sewer system.

·  LACSD created a “landing page” (or web page) that is fairly detailed; it only applies if a catastrophe occurs.

·  LACSD is working with City staff on a communications plan to issue to the public. Communications with the public will most likely be through City channels, the LACSD web page, and a flyer. Once the City approves the communications plan, it will be available to the public.

·  There has been visible movement, new fissures (4-6 inches), stress cracks, and breaks in the cement near manholes (about 1 inch) on PVDS near where LACSD has been moving their line.

·  LACSD installed the above-ground aluminum line; this provides redundancy for the force man.

Sewer Lines: Seaview Neighborhood

LACPW: Mains

Homeowners: Laterals

·  Repair work on the bypass line is finished.

·  LACPW is continuing to monitor the area.

Sewer Lines: Portuguese Bend Community City · No updates. Ongoing
Power Poles Repairs Southern California Edison (SCE)

·  Nikki Noushkam reported that there are leaning poles in the graben area. Sha stated that SCE crews were near her property earlier today to fix a taught line.

·  There is currently a power outage to part of Seaview.

·  There has been a power outage in Portuguese Bend.

·  Link for SCE Updates: https://www.sce.com/outage-center/check-outage-status

·  Reports of any issues, as well as complaints, are to be sent to landmovement@rpvca.gov.

Gas Lines: Portuguese Bend Community and Seaview Community SoCal Gas

·   SoCal Gas visited the Beach Club to make sure that the gas is functional.

·   Gabriela Medina introduced herself. She is filling in for Ben through September 2024.

·   The web page was updated last night with community updates. Updates are made weekly to this webpage.

·   SoCal Gas is conducting daily walking surveys in Seaview and PB.

·   SoCal Gas completed installation of several isolation valves in Seaview and Portuguese Bend. The are in the process of determining two more locations for isolation valves.

·   Report any issues to (800) 427-2200.

·   A request was made for a map or report for that shows all of the completed work. SoCal Gas does not publicize the locations of their system due to security reasons. However, the past weekly reports on the webpage are archived and available on the webpage.

Water: Seaview Neighborhood Cal Water

·   Construction is ongoing on Exultant. Pressure testing should happen later this week or early next week.

·   Design for the rest of Seaview is still ongoing.

Water: Portuguese Bend Community Association Cal Water

·   Construction is ongoing. Tie in should be next week. Residents will be notified.

·   Crews are still working on the Vanderlip Trail concrete pillars.

·   The above-ground mains on Cinnamon that need to be blocked up will be re-supported as needed.

Water: Portuguese Bend Beach Club Cal Water ·   No updates. TBD
Portuguese Bend Landslide EIR, Final Engineering, and E1/E2 City

Final Engineering

·  Awarded the Phase 1 FEMA BRIC funds


·  Bore holes continue in the Beach Club area: three are done, the fourth should be started at the end of this week. There could be a fifth hole drilled, but more info to come on that. The City is obtaining very useful data for the projects. Information will be shared at the 8/20/2024 City Council meeting.

·  The City may conduct an aerial LiDAR survey along the coast in the Beach Club area. Could take place tomorrow morning.

October 2024
PVDS at Peppertree Drainage City ·  The LPDM grant is being processed by FEMA. TBD
GPS Surveying of Landslide Movement City

·  The report is being put together and will be presented to City Council on 8/20/2024.

·  There are new monitoring points in Seaview near Schooner.

PVDS Roadway Repairs City

·  Repairs are ongoing.

·  More patch repairs are scheduled for August 19-20.

Seaview Neighborhood Roadway Repairs City

·  Repairs are ongoing.

·  The cracks are larger than what would be considered cracks.

Road Repairs in the Portuguese Bend Community Portuguese Bend Community Association

·   Will be adding more CMB to make the roads passable; but the delivery trucks saw the signage for no trucks on PVDS and they turned around.

·   The City will give PBC a letter stating the trucks can access PVDS.

·   David Copp will follow up.

KCLAD Dewatering Wells KCLAD

·   Well #4 is currently being cleaned and it is pumping 40 gpm.

·   1.5 wells are currently in service due to shearing.

Klondike Canyon Fissures KCLAD & City

·  The temporary pipe is one of the most important tasks to get done.

·  Tarps will be removed to let the area dry out. They can be replaced if/when needed.

·  Sandbags will be removed but the sand left in the area.

Klondike Canyon Culvert and Pipe KCLAD & City ·  No updates. Ongoing
Lower Seaview/ PVDS at Klondike Canyon Drainage KCLAD & City ·  No updates. TBD
ACLAD Dewatering Wells ACLAD ·  Replaced pump in well #11. Ongoing
General Maintenance ACLAD ·  There were multiple line breaks requiring multiple system on/offs. Ongoing
Top of Slide Area and Kelvin Canyon Spring ACLAD & City ·  Reported by Sheri Hastings: Kelvin Spring is running at about 15 gpm. A pipe was installed by volunteers, and it is still not connected to a well (proper drainage). TBD
Altamira Canyon Lining ACLAD, RPV, and LACPW (Flood Control District) ·  No updates. TBD