05/31/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder & KCLAD Meeting Notes



5-29-24 Stakeholders Meeting and 5-30-24 KCAD Meeting Notes
It has been a busy week!

There will be an important city council meeting next Tuesday 6/4.

At this meeting, the City Council will vote on whether to support or oppose the increase in fees to be paid by KCLAD and ACLAD members. They will also vote on whether to provide loans to ACLAD, KCLAD, and Portuguese Bend Beach club.  These issues will affect all residents of SeaView and Rancho Palos Verdes.  We strongly recommend that you either attend or listen in on the meeting via Zoom. The agenda and City Staff Report are available on the City Website.  Information about the KCLAD plan can be found at https://rpv.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=5&event_id=2683&meta_id=119463  Nic Grillo, who is one of our community members and a member of the KCLAD Commission is supporting the assessment increase and the city loan to KCLAD has offered to answer questions that community members may have.  He can be reached via email at nsgrillo@gmail.com

Stakeholders Meeting – 5-29-24

  • Emergency declaration.  Information about the process for emergency funds application is still evolving. The City has hired a consultant to review the process and what is needed.  They will share information with the land movement abatement districts but will be filing separately.  Ask was made to request a webinar/video meeting to provide information to local residents in advance of the July deadline to walk through the process as this is quite complex.  Brandy (LA County Emergency Preparedness) will make the ask but was unable to provide us a sense of what the reply will be from the SBA who is managing the funds.
    Geologist Report.  Mike Phipps will be in the SeaView neighborhood tomorrow.  He will update impressions next week.  What we are seeing developed in the Dauntless and now Exultant areas is a “Graben”.  Below a diagram to show what these are.   The graphic is not from our area but is intended to diagram why we are seeing the pattern of surface changes that we are seeing.

Graben fissures example diagram Credit Mike Phipps

  • LA County sanitation districts
  • LA County Public Works. Was asked to work on solutions for the sewer lines in the area and of increasing concerns related to more movement along Exultant and Admirable.  There has been significant movement in the area.  The City will work with LA County Public Works to assess tolerance of the existing pipes with projection of potential failures.  The goal is to develop medium and longer-range plans for presentation to the community for solutions.
  • So Cal Edison
  • Report made that power pole along Exultant is leaning due to increased movement.  4334 Exultant.  They indicated they will check.
  • Additional pole along Narcissa.  SCE reports the pole was replaced yesterday.
  • So Cal gas.
    • Remediation sites in Portuguese Bend are progressing.  Updated letters on timing are going out this week.
    • Leaks on Cinnamon and Admirable.  They have been resolved.
    • Vanderlipp.  They feel due to the condition of the road, unable to restore service.  They don’t have a timeline for this until they can gain access.
    • We made a query about increasing the frequency of gas line inspections in the rapidly moving area to be preventative of leaks rather than just respond to emergencies.  The representative said he will make the inquiry.
  • Cal Water.
    • Will be expanding above ground pipe plans given the increasing movement along Admirable and Exultant. They will share plans with homeowners and community once developed.  They hope to have recommendations within a week or two.
    • Cal Water will check again on Flume device availability.
    •  Water meters to be moved along Dauntless. There will need to be coordination with property owners.
  • Emergency Hydraugers.
    • Bonds secured now for the project.
    • Mobilization of resources starting tomorrow.
    • Breaking of ground for first bore hole to start early next week. Possible first drillings to be by the end of next week.
    • Plan for the final EIR to be brought before the city council by July 2nd but may be delayed to get the hydrauger project working.GPS survey.  Anticipating findings from latest readings by next week’s meeting.  A question was asked about the April meetings.  The City will update the website.
  • PVDS road repairs.  Ongoing repairs.
  • Seaview road repairs in Seaview. Ongoing repairs.  The City is looking at options for drainage of the major depressions.
  • Road Repairs Portuguese Bend.  Soliciting bids for road repairs.  Multiple roads needing repairs.
  • KCLAD dewatering wells.
    • Wells still pumping well. Rates holding steady at about 200 gal/min for the 4 wells. Water table levels are down about a foot from past measures.
    • Tarps per city are still in place for the fissures. Once funds are available, try to fill fissures properly.
    • 48-inch drain in the canyon. Passes under one of the houses. They have identified where pipe was pushing up against the deck and displacing the deck so looks to be repairable. The rest of the drain piping systems seems to be working well.
    • Awaiting bids from two companies for additional well drilling.
    • New water line breaks along PVDS at the head of the ancient Beach Club landslide area. This is an area of concern.
    • Observations reported that the sewer lines look to be under stress near the head of the ancient Beach Club slide. City workers requested to have pictures sent and they will bring to the attention of the County sewer line group who are in the area now.
  • ACLAD.
    • New well has come online.  Pumping well.
    • Mainline below PVDS had buckled.  Has been repaired.  Other drain lines have been damaged and repaired.  All these repairs require down time of the affected wells.
    • New well near Narcissa has had a shear at about 90 feet.  They are working to get a pump down past the shear level.
    • Have had volunteers up on Kelvin Canyon.  They have been laying drain lines to try to divert water.
    • Meeting with LA county supervisors’ staff and the head of LA County storm water.  Review of the Harris plan (this is plan that provides for lining of Altamira canyon).  LA County officials feel too expensive to do with too many hurdles and recommended drilling more wells and filling fissures.  They felt it would take 15 years to complete and are not willing to put this plan before Janice Hahn for consideration of County monies to be spent on this project.

KCLAD Meeting – 5-30-24

  • Nic Grillo was installed as a board member of KCLAD.
  • Steve met with geologists and the City for plans for the City Loan that is coming up at the June 4th council meeting.  $1.9 M.  Payments to be spread out over 12 years.  First payment not due until late 2025. If FEMA money comes in, then buyout of a portion of the city loan would likely happen.  Also applying for county monies.  
  • Upper canyon drain would be first project. Grading and filling of fissures with placement of 16-inch drainpipe to get drainage down to PV drive.  There would be filling of fissures above SeaView along with the drainage.   The goal is to drain from above SeaView towards the canyon and into the drainpipe.  
  • Artesian Wells and beach wells are functioning well.  Water tables are lowering.  The first proposal is in for new well drilling.  Well sites were reviewed with Scott Kerwin and optimized to go after the artesian water.  The second well is planned for easterly location about 300 feet from the first well.  A test well will be drilled first to see if here is enough water to place a pump there. 
  • SeaView area.  New Grabert along Exultant.  The city and geologists were in the neighborhood today.  No opinions on what to do, but gathering of information.  Current readings and movement appear to fit what the geologists have thought were the boundary of the landslides.
  • Klondike channel maintenance.  48-inch drainage pipe has raised and pushing up against home deck.  Repairs to be done.  Working with homeowner for access and deck removal.  
  • Sub-slide at the head of the Beach Club slide. Discussed with geologist.  New idea to drill under PVDS and divert water towards Yacht Harbor 
  • Video tape for website.  Still working on it.  The idea is for interviews of individuals to complete videotape.  
  • Portuguese Bend dirt removal is another element of the loan from the city and planned project. This has been started but would be expanded with loan monies. 
  • Borings have started for the hydraugers.  KCLAD is pushing to get borings and place the first drill closer to the beach where they believe the artesian pressures are higher.  Working with the City on this. There are planned borings in the PBC area. 
  • Leaking pipe in Klondike Canyon is in scope to be fixed.  Anticipating within the next few weeks as attention has been focused on getting grants done.  
  • New business. 
  •  New grants have been applied for and management of these grants is important.  A resolution was proposed to have Kelly Ely be the point of contact for grant management.  One year appointment.  She is a CPA and volunteering time to work on this.  KCLAD board voted to approve this.
  • Review of recent costs was done.
  • There is a need for a “pump person” to do regular maintenance of pumps. Considering “Pump systems Inc.”.  One of the recent costs was to them.  
  • Nic Grillo reported that a walk of the canyon with Scott Kerwin reviewed fissure below SeaView.  While it should be filled, he is not concerned about it being a major threat.