05/24/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder Meeting Notes



COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: 5-22-24 Stakeholders Meeting Notes

  • County sewer lines. Ongoing maintenance of lines along PVDS.  The replacement of some smaller sections is underway.  They inspect daily.
  • Sewer lines in Seaview.  Have completed repairs from leaks last week on Admirable. Still no plan with the city on longer term plans for sewer line maintenance given the degree of land movement. 
  • Portuguese Bend sewer lines.  No new problems have been confirmed.  
  • SCE.
    • Power poles behind Dauntless.  A 4-inch pipe in the upper canyon is overflowing. Unclear where it is coming from and there will be inspection as to the source.  SCE looking at this as a risk to the power poles in the area.
  • So Cal gas.
    • Last week the main line to Vanderlip fractured.  They were unable to be repaired due to access problems.  Working on solutions as teams working on repairs were almost unable to get out of the area.  4 homes currently without gas in the area. 
    • Other repair projects in Narcissa area are on schedule for repairs.
    • Leak on Admirable today 4305.  Teams have been dispatched for repairs.  Not a large leak.  
  • Cal Water.
    • Working on PB neighborhood. Vanderlip Drive.  Preliminary design for larger water replacement for entire neighborhood have been presented to the neighborhood and ACLAD.  A formal meeting with HOA planned for input.  Hoping to start as early as next week. 
    • There is ongoing progression of planning for Seaview pipe replacements.  They are anticipating a neighborhood meeting soon on this and will coordinate for presentation meeting. 
    • There is ongoing work and an approved plan for rerouting water supply to two affected homes on Dauntless affected by the marked drop in street level along Dauntless.  
  • Emergency Hydraugers.  Anticipating the first drilling for first bore holes by next week.  Final design plans will move forward based upon data collected.  This will be used to direct the final placement of the hydraugers.  
  • PVDS Peppertree drainage.  Gearing up for resurvey of area to finalize plans.  
  • GPS surveying.  Next readings will be next week. 
  • PVDS repairs.  Last round just finished today.  Still not certain about what length of shut down may be necessary.  No update yet on the longer-term shutdown and major regrading to be done.   
  • Crack filling in Seaview.  The City will work with residents to organize a session to plan for water diversion in anticipation of next winter’s rainy season.  We have asked them to meet with neighbors and others in the neighborhood to brainstorm ideas for water diversion.  
  • Road repairs in Portuguese Bend.  No new repairs. Lots of damage. Getting bids on Peppertree but holding off on final bids until the site of hydrauger has been set.  
  • KCLAD.
    • Wells pumping around 200 gal/minute.  The water table is stabilizing and not going down further at this point.
    • Funding efforts.  Some positive feedback from governmental representatives.  Final engineering reports for the mitigation plans are expected to be completed by weeks end.  Will be sent to the city.
    • Finalized terms for loan from city are still being worked out. 
    • Investigating drainage blockage of the 48-inch line near the beach.  Anticipating some answers within the next few days as to where it may be occurring.  
  • ACLAD.  Replaced pump #13.  Several breaks in 4-inch pipes due to land movement.  Ongoing repairs.  Paperwork is in for applications for FEMA funds and state grants.  Volunteers have been working to try to divert spring water into the existing drainage system.  LA county has come back with negative response to the idea of lining Altamira Canyon.  Working to set up a meeting with Janice Hahn’s office to get around this impasse.  
  • Emergency declaration
    • City seeking reimbursement for many of the repairs done in conjunction to the emergency declaration.  This includes the emergency hydraugers. 
    • Ask was made to see if the city could facilitate a meeting between the SBA teams and residents in a question-and-answer session before the July deadline for application.  
  • Geotechnical updates.  Mapping updates are being done.  Use of hi resolution images is being incorporated.  Target is to have updates in time for upcoming city council meeting on July 2nd.  
  • Anticipated that there will be landslide related items at the June 4thcity council meeting.  Topics to be decided. Guidance from city staff as to proposed assessments to the land movement districts is being considered for that meeting. 
  • City of RPV is working to have formal meeting with city of Rolling Hills to get hydrology assessment done.

Kit M. Song, SRA Board