05/17/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder Meeting



COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: 5-15-24 Stakeholders Meeting

Working Group Purpose: “We are committed to evaluating and addressing every concern the community has for this important initiative. We will look to share information and ideas amongst all the major stakeholders and initiate short-term measures for proactive success. The community has spoken, and the City is taking action.”

TABLE 1: AGENDA ITEMS       Presenter(s)


Current, Short-Term, and Long-Term Mitigation Projects

  • See Table 2 below. Ramzi Awwad Jayme Fairfield

Declaration(s) of Emergency

  • The current proclamation goes through 2/9/2024. Brandy Villanueva is unsure if another request for a declaration will be made. Ara Mihranian Ramzi Awwad Brandy Villanueva


Los Angeles County Disaster Management AREA G

  • Requests for public assistance were due on 5/13/2024. ACLAD and KCLAD applied.
  • Ongoing requests through the Small Business Administration (SBA) is anticipated to go to the administration in the next two weeks. Brandy Villanueva


Geotechnical Updates

  • A senior geologist from Cotton Shires was onsite today. He investigated the Narcissa curve, as well as Omstead Trail and Smugglers.
  • The last monitoring survey date was 4/17/2024, and that data was presented in the 5/7/2024 City Council meeting and staff report. The City is still reviewing the report and will imminently post it on the City’s website. The report shows continued acceleration (76% averaged over the entire landslide; KC is the slowest 4-5” per week, PB neighborhood is the fastest at 9” per week; 4-6” in Abalone Cove).
  • The next monitoring survey is scheduled for the last week in May. Ramzi Awwad, Mike Phipps, Scott Kerwin


Coordination with the City of Rolling Hills

  • The City of Rolling Hills received the letter from Rancho Palos Verdes’ Mayor Cruikshank. Rolling Hills will be providing a response to the City. Ara Mihranian Karina Banales

General Comments or Questions

  • The City delivered sand on Dauntless for the residents to make sand bags. Juan Hernandez stated that the City wants to keep the sand there for a little longer until the warmer season begins. The City is cleaning it up to make it more presentable.
  • Calendar of Meetings (requested by Bob Locke): In addition to this weekly recurring meeting, there are many other meetings throughout the area. Is there, or can there be, a central meeting calendar to keep track of them? Jayme to reach out to Ramzi and Ara and will follow up next week. Working Group


  • Weekly Status Meeting: Occurs every Wednesday at 3:00 pm PST. Next meeting is 5/22/2024.
  • Regular Meeting Format: This meeting will be held virtually via Teams. For a Teams link, please email Jayme Fairfield at jfairfield@houtconstruction.com.
  • Notes from past meetings can be found on the City’s website at this link:

RPV Landslide Complex Working Group | Rancho Palos Verdes, CA – Official Website (rpvca.gov). Ara Mihranian Jayme Fairfield



Activity            Responsible

Entity  Status from 5/8/2024 Meeting          Estimated Completion



Sewer Lines    LACSD

  • There are LACSD crews in Seaview almost every day. This is routine maintenance to ensure flanges are intact. No actual construction is currently underway.
  • A sewer section in front of the Narcissa gate was replaced.
  • A sewer in Klondike Canyon by the staging area appears to be disconnected.
  • LACSD will perform a CCTV inspection along Dauntless.
  • LACSD’s contractor will be replacing a portion of sewer line along Exultant. Ongoing


Sewer Lines: Seaview Neighborhood           LACPW: Mains

Homeowners: Laterals

  • CCTV crews performed an inspection on 5/6/2024.
  • LACPW is still looking into better alternatives for permanent solutions. Ongoing


Sewer Lines: Portuguese Bend Community  City

  • The Clovetree pipe repaired.
  • The City repaired a sewer line on Portuguese Bend curve on lower Narcissa above Wayfarers Chapel on 5/14/2024. The area is dropping right now. David Copp will speak with the City maintenance department to bring it above ground sooner than the planned project. Ongoing


Power Poles Repairs  Southern California Edison (SCE)

  • The most recent concern is behind Dauntless. SCE crews were on site today. There is water washing through the area causing degradation and the power poles could be undermined. David Copp will coordinate and meet with SCE and Frontier on site to investigate.
  • SCE repaired the pole at 100 Vanderlip and 4(?) Cinnamon; they will continue to monitor this area.
  • A pole at 1 Narcissa will be repaired on 5/16/2024 through 5/17/2024.
  • SCE performs drone inspections annually. However, SCE will be performing these inspections more frequently moving forward. Ongoing


Gas Lines: Portuguese Bend Community and Seaview Community            SoCal Gas

  • The SoCal Gas team is still working on Narcissa.
  • All leaks in the landslide area are receiving “Code 1” priority response.
  • Had a Code 1 leak on Vanderlip in the past week. They were unable to repair it. The gas had to be turned off to four homes. SCE brought in a mobile “pod” to provide services. Gordon Leon suggested they use a flexible hose to hook up from the pod to the home(s). Ben Steinberger stated that SCE follows all codes and protocols. As people return to their homes, they will need to request gas services. Ben will follow up with an answer on a permanent repair.
  • The gas line break on Dauntless has been repaired. Ongoing


Water: Seaview Neighborhood         Cal Water

  • Designs are still in progress for the upcoming projects.
  • Crews are constantly monitoring in both Seaview and Portuguese Bend neighborhoods.
  • There are depressions forming in the street on Admirable (4304 is two doors down from the repair) after water leak repairs last week.
  • Rayne Sherman is concerned about the “punch bowl” deformation at Dauntless and Exultant. He posed a question asking if the City can regrade the area so stormwater can naturally drain instead of it requiring pumping to mitigate ponding water. Sam Hout will follow up with the City and Cal Water and provide an answer next week. TBD

Water: Portuguese Bend Community Association    Cal Water

  • Designs are still in progress for upcoming projects.
  • Crews are constantly monitoring in both Seaview and Portuguese Bend neighborhoods.
  • Work on Vanderlip is underway this week. TBD

Water: Portuguese Bend Club            Cal Water

  • Designs are still in progress for upcoming projects. TBD



Portuguese Bend Landslide EIR, Final Engineering, and E1/E2          City

  • The E1/E2 team walked the entire landslide with the contractor on Friday to view access and finalize mobilization plan. Due to some access issues, some design details may be changed/updated.
  • The City and contractor will be getting the bore holes started in the coming weeks. These bore holes will provide critical data. There will be as little time as possible between the test bore holes and the hydrauger drilling.
  • All stakeholder agreements will be in place before construction starts in specific areas.
  • Final engineering for the larger project is moving forward.
  • The presentation to the City Council on 5/7/2024 is available on the City’s website.
  • EIR final comments are being addressed and the City Council will be certifying the EIR soon. October 2024

PVDS at Peppertree Drainage City

  • The City’s is resuming design with the goal to complete this project before he next rainy season.
  • Still waiting to hear from FEMA (LPDM program) on the grant funding. TBD

GPS Surveying of Landslide Movement          City

  • The next survey should take place in the last week of May. There may be more monitoring points added. Ongoing

PVDS Roadway Repairs          City

  • Crack surface repairs started on 5/10/2024 and are ongoing.
  • Grading will begin on 5/20/2024. This is not the ski jump project that will reconfigure the grade/dip.
  • Recent repairs did not generate grindings. Sam Hout requested that any excess grindings are provided to ACLAD and KCLAD.
  • Near Wayfarers Chapel, there is a curb that juts out that needs repair so that cars do not hit it. Ongoing

Crack-Filling in Seaview Neighborhood          City

  • Crack filling will continue as needed. Ongoing




Portuguese Bend Community Association

  • Road Repairs in the Portuguese Bend Community
  • CMB is being used on lower Cinnamon at the two homes. Some will get spread 5/16/2024.
  • PBCA is very concerned with the Narcissa curve. Geologists investigated this area last week.
  • A special PBCA Board meeting was called to discuss closing the curve due to instability and a hazardous condition. Ongoing


KCLAD Dewatering Wells       KCLAD

  • All dewatering wells are pumping about 200 gpm combined.
  • The water table is still receding.
  • Readings on seasonal rainfall (169% of average)
  • Klondike Canyon has the lowest rate of acceleration in the PB landslide at 1-4 inches per week.
  • The Dauntless/Admirable intersection has deformation. Ongoing

Klondike Canyon Fissures       KCLAD & City

  • Fissures and caving sidewalls are a concern. It is very narrow and have been some rocks falling. However, Scott Kerwin says there is no evidence of instability, and he has no concerns about it caving in.
  • City crews are investigating the tarps at least weekly and making any repairs as needed. Ongoing

Klondike Canyon Culvert and Pipe     KCLAD & City

  • There is water flow coming out of the culvert now at about 20 gpm on top of the tarps. Juan Hernandez and the City maintenance crews will see what they can do to divert water flow. Ongoing

Lower Seaview/ PVDS at Klondike Canyon Drainage KCLAD & City

  • The 4” flex pipe to PVDS was broken. It was repaired and is operational now.
  • In the PBC on Seawall there continues to be uplifting at the beach. TBD

ACLAD Dewatering Wells       ACLAD

  • Installed pump and electrical in well #24. SCE needs to energize the pole. Gordon Leon needs to complete the documents and submit them to SCE.
  • Well #23 pump only went down 100 feet. Investigating with the well driller on Monday.
  • Wells combined is at 130,000 gpd. Ongoing

General Maintenance ACLAD

  • Plumtree Trail behind Cinnamon the City performed maintenance for fissure filling in the last couple of weeks. Ongoing

Top of Slide Area and Kelvin Canyon Spring  ACLAD & City

  • A volunteer group is meeting on Sunday, 8:00 am. The goal is to make a catch basin (weir) to collect water and pipe it to dewatering well #15. Food will be provided for the volunteers. TBD

Altamira Canyon Lining

ACLAD, RPV, and LACPW (Flood Control District)

  • No updates. TBD