05/03/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder Meeting



COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: 5-01-24 Stakeholders Meeting

A reminder of our Community Meeting on May 6th at the Ladera Linda Community Center to discuss community security and traffic on PVDS with City representatives and Sheriff’s department.  We have invited adjacent HOA’s to attend as these are area concerns. 

5-1-2024 Stakeholders Meeting


  • LA county is still working on final section.  No updates
  • Seaview sewer line improvements.  No updates
    • City will connect with county on the CCTV inspection of lines along Exultant as was requested last week.
  • Sewer Lines Portuguese Bend.  Needed repairs have been done.
  • SCE power poles.  Still awaiting Cox update on removal of their equipment.  Frontier reports, Cox plans to be out there to remove their equipment in June.  Different than what was reported to the city so city will circle back with Cox to try to expedite work.
  • So Cal Gas.  No new updates this week. Queries made as to depth of new gas lines needed as request by Portuguese Bend to keep them as shallow as possible.
  • Cal Water
    • PVDS at Wayfarers chapel has been completed.
    • Design of lines for PB and Seaview making progress.  Updates soon.


  • Emergency Hydraugers.  Staff plans/report have now been completed for upcoming City Council meeting on May 7th and posted to city website (starts on page 15 of the agenda upload on the website).  Peer review underway. Contracts analysis and step by step plan.  Ramzi reviewed the steps of the plan.  Anticipated drilling for initial bore holes for E1 to be in May with hydraugers themselves being placed sometime in June.  Input from Steve Cummins about placing the hydraugers as close to the beach as possible.  A meeting is planned to go over this.
  • Question was asked about potential impact upon Klondike Canyon wells output.  City will put query before engineers, but initial response is that they are not anticipating large impact upon Klondike Canyon.
  • The directional wells that will drain into the hydraugers are planned only for PB, but the city will work with the geologists and KCLAD to see what overlapping impacts could be gained by the well design.
  • Geology report. No new updates from last week.  Looking over all of the past data, the land movement is the fastest seen in the recorded data.
  • Seaview crack filling ongoing.  No new update on PVDS planned regrading with short term closure.
  • A question was raised about how property line shifts due to land movement impacts lot lines and improvements for property owners.  Since survey monuments have been moving, this impacts land and building ownership issues. This is a complex matter as improvements may no longer be on the owner’s property as mapped.  For Seaview Klondike Canyon residents, further exploration of this may be advisable given the rate of movement. PB community has been dealing with this over time and would be a resource for better understanding.
  • The city is working with Wayfarer’s Chapel to help in efforts to save parts of the structure/property along with the National Park Service.   They will be waiving permits for disassembly of key components of the chapel to save them.  Their ultimate goal is to rebuild in its current location once stabilization of land movement happens. Anyone interested in donating to Wayfarer’s chapel may use the following links for instructions.


  • Next week, there will be a meeting convened by the county for detailing the process for filing for reimbursements for expenses incurred by the disaster declaration. The City will be participating and will represent the ACLAD and KCLAD districts.  Timelines for next steps will be shared.  1/31-2/9 is the period covered by the Presidential declaration.
  • A request is being made for SBA loans tied to the disaster declaration that would allow for homeowners to apply for SBA loans.  More to come on this.


  • Daily and weekly repairs being done. All repairs being done with grindings due to ongoing movement as the asphalt is being removed.


  • Feels that they have enough geology support, but civil engineering support will be needed as actual building of structures starts to get going.  City will work with KCLAD to tie into the hydrauger locations effort to see what support might be able to be done
  • Have had failure of a well.  Pump failure.  Tried to pull the pump yesterday.  Lines snapped.  New pump set and working, but not at same volume as before.
  • Pumping volume 140 gallons per minute which is down from the 200 gallons a minute previously noted.
  • Well proposal pending from two companies for a new well.  Hoping to start new well soon.
  • Tarps and fissure failing stable.
  • Further upward lifting of 48-inch drainage pipe.  Causing diminished flow so inspections being done to fix this.
  • Financing of the 5-point plan is progressing.  Had a positive response from Ted Lieu’s office for federal funding, but that cycle will be on a year cycle based upon funding cycles.  Awaiting final conditions for city loan which will be concluded by the May 21st city council meeting.  One possibility being discussed is to prepay city assessments into the future to provide rapid funding without going through loan process.


  • Replaced approx. 180 feet of main drainage lines due to breaks.
  • Have had problems with 2 wells, that have been repaired.
  • Ongoing work on application for representative Lieu for funding and RPV loan/advance similar to KCLAD. This proposal includes lining for Altamira Canyon.  This would be from PVDS to the ocean.
  • There is ongoing fissure filling, but the size of area quite large and difficult to keep up with all the forming fissures.