04/12/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder Meeting



04/12/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: 4/10/24 Stakeholders Meeting

  • A reminder of the town hall meeting scheduled for the 17th.  City council meeting is on the 16th at 7 PM.
    No stakeholders meeting for that Wednesday. 
  • Guardrails project along PVDS is now complete – for protection of sewer lines.
  • Underground sewer lines in SeaView.
  •  Sewer lines in Portuguese Bend.  New recent break.
    • Parallel to Wayfarers near Narcissa.  Temp repair is in place.
    • Second brake near Cinnamon.  Repairs underway.
  • SCE power poles that were leaning
    • SeaView pole replacements have been completed.
    • Work on Frontier equipment is underway to place equipment.  Final permissions from SeaView property owners is pending for access.
    • Power poles in the preserve.  Awaiting Cox to remove their equipment.  The last estimate was for May.
  • ACLAD asked if SCE could expedite power to the new wells. The City asked SCE to expedite the process.   City has done their release on 4/3.  SCE will investigate.
  • Gas lines.  Gas company has started construction on Narcissa Drive to repair/replace lines.
  • Cal Water.
    • Engineering of PVC pipe is still underway.
    • Portable booster connection along Narcissa is on track to be completed by Friday.
    • Recent bracing of the pipes along Seaview due to recent land movement.  Per Cal Water, the recent bracing is temporary.  Ask was made by Seaview resident to recheck the piping support.  Cal Water will recheck the piping support.  Portuguese Bend reports that such bracing has been in place for many years.
    • An inquiry was made as to who is paying for repairs.  Answer is that it is passed onto rate payors.
    • Inquiry was made as to filling open holes on Dauntless/Exultant.  Cal Water will recheck as to holes along the road.
  • City report
    • Monday meeting Joint governments meeting.  Brick grant has been approved by FEMA.  Emergency hydraugers are okay to do and will not jeopardize the grant.  The governor has requested a declaration for the federal disaster area.  It appears likely that it will happen.  This would enable FEMA funds for public assistance which means ACLAD, KCLAD, city can seek recovery.  Overall meeting was very productive to bring, state, county, city governmental officials together.  Clarified what the landslide abatement districts are doing and their purpose.  Bill from Senator Allen SB 1461 has passed committee.  It extends emergency services act to include landslides.  Work is being done to add it to the state disaster assistance efforts.  Ask will be made on Tuesday City Council meeting to have mayor send letter in support of this.
    • The 5-point plan from KCLAD has been submitted to elected officials.  Still awaiting Cal OES support.  Requests have been made by elected officials for this to happen.
  • Portuguese Bend EIR is progressing.  Work is underway to approve the emergency hydraugers at the upcoming city council meeting.  This will be described in staff report at the upcoming city council meeting.  This will be the base plan.  Subsequent plans will be added as information is gained.
    • The first work will be to drill bore holes to gain information about slip depth and slope.
    • Once prior estimates are confirmed, then hydraugers installation will be able to progress or modified based upon the new information.  That will be a subsequent plan.
  • PVDS/Peppertree drainage. Awaiting approval of the grant to fund.
  • GPS monitoring.  Additional requests have been made for some new survey points.  Information is provided on the map on the city website.  Schedule is for update every 6 weeks.
  • PVDS repairs.  Interim repair done at the “ski jump”.  Additional signage is underway and near completion.  Working on the major repair of this area as to dates and extent of the work.  SCE will be blocking Narcissa on Monday and Tuesday to put in temporary pole.
  • Seaview.  Intersection of Exultant and Dauntless.  As the “bowl” is deepening, city will be placing pumps in place to drain out water during rainfall.  Ongoing surveillance of tarps. The pumps will be gas powered.  Not continuously running but may be noisy.
  • Portuguese Bend updates.
    • A few water pipe breaks, Cal Water fixed them immediately.
    • A new water inflow line to be placed.
    • Wells.  Pump repair done.  220 gal/minute between the 4 pumps.
    • With recent rains, water table has risen about 3 feet.  Anticipating it will fall as rains decreasing.
    • Grading continues at the beach where the two slide zones meet.
    • Requesting GPS monuments at the foot of the slide.
  • ACLAD.  Number of line breaks in the last few weeks.
    • Have just submitted a package to representative Lieu for Altamira canyon.  Working with the city on the funding request.
    • Current pumping volume/day 130,000 gallons per day.
  • No new geologist reports.
  • City planning is very active for the anticipated temporary closure of PVDS to regrade the ski jump area.  Request made to contact Cox cable about exposed cable near Dauntless and Exultant and irrigation pipes that are breaking near the raised pipe.


There are exposed Cox Cable lines along Dauntless near Exultant.  Spoke with the cable company technician on site. The land movement has exposed lines that were buried and repaired several months ago. Currently, the cable company does not have another option besides repairing the lines.  Estimates are that service disruptions could affect about 10 SeaView residents who live beyond the exposed cable.