04/05/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholder Meeting



04/05/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholders Meeting



Current, Short-Term, and Long-Term Mitigation Projects

  • See Table 2 below.
Ramzi Awwad
Jayme Fairfield

Declaration(s) of Emergency

  • Still waiting to hear from President Biden on Governor Newsome’s disaster request.
Ara Mihranian
Ramzi Awwad
Brandy Villanueva

Los Angeles County Disaster Management AREA G

  • Part of Brandy Villanueva’s role is to guide the City through the process of applying for funding and anything related to emergency management.
Brandy Villanueva
Jesse Villalpando

Geotechnical Updates

  • There was 2.42 inches of rain last weekend at the Rolling Hills gauge. 160% of average for the season. Forecast for this coming weekend is 1/10”.
  • Mike Phipps was in the field today.
  • Seaview crack is getting larger and is currently well patched. A Groban is forming in the street.
  • Beach School Road repairs are being conducted today for the middle section.
  • The new Seacove landslide is mapped.
  • Mike Phipps conducted reconnaissance in the Portuguese Bend community. Mike completed mapping on Vanderlip and there is a large Groban forming and the ground has dropped about 6 feet.
  • Mike mapped the York property to trace the western boundary. It is headed towards Wayfarers Chapel.
  • Mike is working on exhibits for the next City Council meeting and Town Hall.
  • Mike met with PVCLC regarding removal of non-native habitat. Goats will be helping with brush clearing.
  • Mike will be sending the City the suggested GPS monitoring points.
Ramzi Awwad
Mike Phipps
Scott Kerwin

Coordination with the City of Rolling Hills

  • No updates.
Ara Mihranian
Karina Banales

Upcoming Town Hall Meeting, April 17, 2024, 6:00 pm, Ladera Linda

  • Meeting will be a hybrid format—in person and virtual. The City will distribute a Zoom link.
  • The working group meeting will be cancelled on this day.
  • Will discuss overall landslide issues and active and upcoming projects.
  • All stakeholders will give brief presentations.
  • Ara Mihranian will invite Rolling Hills.
Ara Mihranian
Ramzi Awwad

General Commentes or Questions

  • Question from Deirdre Heimer: I am not certain where this item fits into today’s agenda – I would like to thank the city/Cal Water for sending out folks to shore up the ground at the intersection of Dauntless and Exultant Drives on Easter Sunday after runoff from the very heavy rainfall around 2:00 AM eroded the ground under the above ground water pipes.  I would like to know what the plans are to avoid a reoccurrence of the erosion.  Currently, during heavy rain there is no way for the water to exit the “channel” created by the land movement and the curbs are not high enough to keep the water from eroding the property. The way the water was pooling and rising above the curb line was evident during the heavy rains on March 6th but not to the extent of the early Easter morning rain.Ramzi said the City is working on a solution.
  • The City does not recommend that residents send letters requesting funding to CalOES, FEMA, or the LA County DES because they do not fund community projects—they only fund disasters. Andrew Ely has the information for the agencies to send letters to, as well as bullet points to write about/include. Gordon Leon will disseminate that information to Seaview and other communities.
Working Group
Ara Mihranian
Jayme Fairfield


Activity Responsible
Status from 4/3/2024 Meeting Estimated


Guardrail to Protect Above-Ground Sewer Trunk Lines on Palos Verdes Drive South LACSD
  • Construction is imminent and should take about one week. LACSD will closely coordinate with the City due to adjacent projects.
Feb 2024
Underground Sewer Lines in Seaview Neighborhood LACPW: Mains

Homeowners: Laterals

  • Completed the last repair two weeks ago. There are currently no other issues. All lines are functioning.
  • The City requested regular CCTV inspections. The City and LACPW will discuss further, including an inspection schedule.
  • SMD crews continue to monitor the condition within the slide area on Dauntless and Exultant, Admirable, and PVDS.
Sewer Lines in Portuguese Bend Community City
  • CCTV inspection completed, deviations found; Ramzi and Juan have the info.
  • Repairs are being made today on Lower Cinnamon from Thyme up to the gravity line.
Leaning SCE Power Poles Repairs Southern California Edison (SCE)
  • No updates from SCE.
  • Frontier completed work above Dauntless. Still coordinating access to two residences.
  • Gordon Leon reported one location where the electrical line is only 9 feet above ground.
  • Cox needs to check their network on the poles above Dauntless. Ramzi Awwad will follow up with Cox.
Gas Lines in Portuguese Bend Community SoCal Gas
  • Pushing back the schedule to 4/8/2024 for sites 2 and 3 due to coordinating the easement needed.
Water Mains in Seaview Neighborhood Cal Water
  • Inspection crews noticed an above-ground main that shifted/dropped. Crews shored up the main.
Water Mains in Portuguese Bend Community Association Cal Water
  • Small project to install a portable booster connection to minimum service disruptions during construction.
Vanderlip Trail Water Mains Cal Water
  • There was a main break reported today. The main was pulled apart at the collar. It was also repaired today.
Vanderlip Drive Water Mains Cal Water
  • No updates.
Portuguese Bend Club Cal Water
  • Cal Water staff met on site with Eric Johnson and others to discuss the project and logistics.
  • A geotechnical investigation needs to be conducted to assess feasibility.
PVDS at Wayfarers Chapel Cal Water
  • Cal Water will coordinate with the City on PVDS repairs so that Cal Water work does not interfere with other City construction projects along PVDS at Wayfarers Chapel.


Portuguese Bend Landslide EIR and Final Engineering City
  • Work continues to finalize the EIR. Addressing individual comments.
  • Emergency hydraugers design continues. E1 launch area is the pull out along PVDS. E1 will be directionally drilled. E1 is the area with the most artesian pressure and will provide the most benefits. E2 launch site is at the end of Narcissa being accessed from Peppertree; there is a dirt access road (discharge line for well #19 goes across this road). E2 will be horizontally drilled. Inclinometers will be installed in the test bore holes. See the graphic/map below the table.
  • Final design continues.
October 2024
PVDS at Peppertree Drainage City
  • No changes. Waiting for next steps with FEMA.
GPS Surveying of Landslide Movement City
  • Next survey is mid-April 2024 and the City is adding several more monitoring points.
PVDS Roadway Repairs City
  • Interim repairs at the ski jump were completed.
  • The City is continuing design efforts for a more substantial repair at the ski jump. The City is working through details and is looking to minimize construction closure(s). PBCA is concerned with drivers using the neighborhood as a detour. The City will work with PBCA on the details and signage. The City will also coordinate with first responders. Construction may wait until school is out for summer break.
  • New signage installation will start on 4/8/2024 (was delayed due to rain).
Crack-Filling in Seaview Neighborhood City (RPV)
  • Crack filling will continue as needed.
  • The City will investigate drainage.
  • The City is aware of the new crack forming on Exultant. It will be filled before the next expected rain.


Road Repairs in the Portuguese Bend Community Portuguese Bend Community Association
  • At Lower Cinnmon (1 to 3 Cinnamon), repairs will be conducted 4/8/2024 through 4/9/2024.
  • At Lower Narcissa, asphalt patching at the gate with CMB will be conducted on 4/9/2024.
  • CMB filling will be conducted at Narcissa curve.
  • At the road above Wayfarers Chapel, the asphalt will be removed and replace with CMB on 4/10/2024. Will re-asphalt before next winter rains.
  • At Sweet Bay, repairs will be conducted on 4/11/2024.
  • PBCA will coordinate the work listed above with the utilities because utility work will also be done during this period.
  • Looking into height restriction signage and placement.
  • PBCA is changing the Narcissa gate code for residents only. The goal is to lessen truck traffic. All loaded trucks need to use the Peppertree entrance.
KCLAD Dewatering Wells KCLAD
  • The last two weekends had excessive rains. This caused an impact on the club where mud and sand entered the pumping area.
  • Three of 4 pumps are working.
  • Water table has receded a bit.
  • Pump #1 at well #3 went down on Friday. KCLAD isolated the issue to the control box. KCLAD is trying to get a repair person there quickly.
Klondike Canyon Fissures KCLAD & City
  • The tarps and sandbags need to be checked before the expected rains this weekend.
  • The City maintenance crews check them on a schedule and before rains.
Klondike Canyon Culvert and Pipe KCLAD & City
  • Funding requests are still being submitted to funding agencies. Some have been rejected.
  • A committee is sending letters to agencies.
Lower Seaview/ PVDS at Klondike Canyon Drainage KCLAD & City
  • Surface drainage has become a problem with the rising beach. That area of the beach continues to rise.
ACLAD Dewatering Wells ACLAD
  • Normal well maintenance continues.
Dewatering Wells South of PVDS ACLAD & City
  • At wells #9 and #19, the power pole is in and is wired from the pole to the well. Well #9 has a pump in well with a generator and it works. Well #19 pump will be installed 4/4/2024. At well #19, there was a hole discovered in the screen and it is not as deep as previously thought.
Feb 2024
General Maintenance ACLAD
  • No updates.
Kelvin Canyon Spring ACLAD & City
  • Ordered 4” drainpipe so they can drain the water from Indian Spring.
Altamira Canyon Lining ACLAD, RPV, and LACPW
  • Clearing of Altamira canyon today.
  • Gordon Leon found water coming down the canyon and then going into ground.
  • Two of three grant applications have been submitted.