03/01/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board



Stakeholders Meeting – Notes

2-28-2024  Stakeholders Meeting:  Please note the yellow highlighted items.  LA County is seeking damages information from homeowners to incorporate into a request for a state of disaster declaration related to the rainstorms. Residents are encouraged to go to the site listed below for more information and to report damage costs related to the storms and recent land movement. 

  • Geotechnical updates.  Mike Phipps. Assessment of area around Wayfarer’s Chapel, Portuguese Bend reserved, Beach Club area.  Land movement is still very rapid.  Monitoring points to be added and recommendations made for that.  Awaiting the next round of monitoring data to be able to report rate of movement changes.  That is to be this week and next week pending rain expected at the end of this week.  Report will be expected a few weeks after that. The City will be sharing information with the Wayfarer’s Chapel engineer.  KCLAD/ACLAD will also work to share their data. Movement in the Wayfarer’s chapel area seems to be tied more to the ancient landslide boundaries and is outside of known more recent historical movements. 
  • Coordination with City of Rolling Hills.  They are meeting with the utility companies to check on movement there.  A question was raised as to plans for drainage. The City is meeting with LA County utilities and HOA’s.  They are working to assemble information about what the current situation is for drainage.  Following that, they will need to meet with their stakeholders to determine the next steps of information release and planning.
  • Portuguese Bend Landslide EIR update and interaction with Governor’s Office.  Ara reports that media attention has been helpful in focusing attention on the landslide.  The Governor’s response to the letter requesting emergency declaration and suspending state requirements.  The meeting between City, County, State outcome was that the City request to waive permitting process is already covered by the Governors state of emergency related to rains.  The City is awaiting a letter from the Governor’s office stating what specifically is waived. Ara had a meeting with FEMA about the City PB grant.  They confirmed that early work that overlapped with the grant would jeopardize the overall funding.  That having been said, they will look to see what aspects of the project could be started early and would then be subtracted from the grant.  Follow up on that will be pending.
  • Status of asking for federal designation of federal disaster for LA county.  There are eight counties including LA County that were given State of Emergency Declarations. San Diego had enough damage that there has been a request for a State of Disaster Declaration which would free up FEMA funds for municipalities and citizens.  A final determination of that request is pending.  There are seven counties in line for similar possible requests. Key to this is the cost per capita of infrastructure damage.  That is being assembled now and includes fundings needs for ACLAD and KCLA (See below about LA County).  Such a designation allows for access to FEMA funds for management of the immediate effects of the disaster.  I.E. stabilization due to the recent storms and not about long-term solutions.  Last alternative would be for CA Governor to declare a disaster, but it is unlikely that funding for disaster management related to landslide will be provided as land movement mat be viewed as pre-existing conditions.
  • LA County is looking for information about private losses due to the raines. Go to the County site and submit information to https://recovery.lacounty.gov/february-2024-winter-storm/ to enter damage estimates. They plan to incorporate into assessment of costs for asking for disaster declaration.  All residents are encouraged to submit damage estimates there who have been affected. 
  • PVDS repairs just completed.  A signage assessment is under way for speed limit signs and weight restrictions.  Anticipating another round of repair in the next few weeks.
  • SeaView repairs. A request was made to restrict parking in the area where major road/utility repairs are being done to have it by permit as sightseers are clogging up the area. 
  • Road repairs in Portuguese Bend. Multiple repairs underway.  PBC as a gated community confirmed that the city does not get involved in road repairs.  This is borne by the HOA entirely.  They will be submitting to the county site as noted above. 
  • Sewer line repairs in SeaView. No new updates. 
  • SCE pole replacements.  Estimated start date in Portuguese Bend 3/1. 
  • Gas lines to Portuguese Bend.  There will be a gas line shut off valve installed next week for emergencies. 
  • Cal Water.  Construction underway on Clovetree Lane.  PVDS materials for that project expected next week. 
  • KCLAD/ACLAD updates. No changes in pumping outputs or depths.