02/23/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: City Council and Stakeholders Meetings



City Council and Stakeholders Meetings – Combined Notes

City Council Meeting 2-20-24:

  • Emergency numbers for City/Cal Water/Gas Company are available on the City Website. All residents are encouraged to have them in case of events that need reporting.
  • Update on the Portuguese Bend Landslide Remediation Project Update
    • Draft EIR released 2/9/2023.
    • Public Hearing 3/21/23. (45) comment letters received.
    • Changes to the plan were recommended.
  • Staff recommendations
    • Finalize EIR and final engineering based on preliminary design. Completion target 5/2024
    • Concurrent studies modifications to reduce environmental impact.
    • Letter to governor asking for state of emergency CA emergency services act
      • Will allow waiver of state permitting requirements – will enable contractors to start work on the mitigation project.
      • If a State declaration of Emergency, it will trigger requests for financial and resource assistance through the CA disaster assistance act.
      • One option for funding could also be for a coalition of eight Counties in CA including LA County to ask for Presidential Declaration of Federal Disaster (Stafford Act). This would open up possible FEMA Aid.
      • Full support from Assemblymen Muratsuchi
      • Full support from Janet Hahn’s office. Will be $5 Million dollars in funding support from County.
  • Public comments:
    • SeaView Residents are asking for attention to Rolling Hills drainage and diversion above the neighborhood. Coordinated planning for water management.
    • Land Conservancy – supports City taking expedited actions to mitigate land movement. Ramping up staffing for trails management. Supports motion to return to the original EIR with caveat that ongoing modifications be done to address ongoing questions. Would like to add support to City efforts. Warning of fires in the spring and summer and need for planning now to mitigate that risk.
    • Concerns were raised about Landslide Abatement Districts (ACLAD & KCLAD) running short of money.
    • There were multiple testimonials about ongoing damage to infrastructure and homes with requests for expedited actions.
    • Several requests were made for higher levels of technical expertise to be brought to bear on the land movement and water abatement.
    • Requests were made to focus more attention on Rolling Hills drainage and other drainage from the upper canyon.
    • Wayfarers Chapel offered to try to align their efforts in asking for federal aid as a recent National Historical Site with the City’s efforts for a federal disaster declaration.
  • The City Council passed the staff recommendations to solicit State and Federal Disaster Declarations.

Stakeholders Meeting 2-21-24.

  • Recap of the City Council meeting
  • There are priority lists being developed for projects outside of the FEMA grant by ACLAD, KCLAD, and the City. The goal is to have a priority list of projects with cost estimates by the next City Council meeting.
  • Geotechnical updates. Mike Phipps has continued observation of the slide area. He is reviewing additional monitoring sites that have been proposed. No new updates beyond observed continued movement. Concerns expressed by Wayfarer’s Chapel to the City about a retaining wall holding up Narcissa Drive. That will be investigated for possible safety concerns.
  • Projects
    • EIR for Portuguese Bend. Updates from City Council meeting is the update.
    • PVDS and Peppertree drainage. No updates for this project. Funds for this are in place and administered by FEMA. The holdup currently is clearance of FEMA process.
    • GPS Survey. February measurements held up by the rain. Likely next week to obtain February readings.
    • PVDS roadway repairs are ongoing.
    • Crack filling in SeaView. Plans for Thursday/Friday of this week. More next week pending rains.
    • Portuguese Bend Association Roads. There are ongoing major repairs. Recent gas leaks and water pipe breaks are undergoing repairs.
    • Guardrail project for sewer lines. Rains have delayed. The updated plan is for 2/29.
    • Underground sewer lines SeaView. Crews are working today and tomorrow to do repair work. Longer term rerouting of sewer lines is being planned between City and County. Sewer lines in Portuguese Bend have ongoing repairs. They were awaiting materials. Updates on project completion will be available in the next few days.
    • SCE updates. Burma trail permits have now cleared so SCE will be proceeding as soon as possible. Environmental clearance for poles in Exultant has been obtained. That work will also proceed in the near future.
    • Fire risk along Burma Trail was discussed. Work on that road to have drivable path will be assessed once past the rainy season. Weed abatement plans and contracting are underway for anticipated high vegetation growth after the rainy season.
    • Gas Lines – One gas leak this past weekend along Narcissa.
    • Cal Water. Construction underway in the Portuguese Bend Neighborhood at Clovetree. PV Drive South materials have been ordered for the section in front of Wayfarer’s Chapel. Cal Water will be putting pipes above ground with swing joints in Portuguese Bend where there are active fissures while the rest of the pipe replacement is being designed. Assessing Vanderlip Trail and Drive for possible revisions. SeaView had new breaks in along Exultant where lines were underground. Cannot put them above ground as they are under a driveway without other access to the home. 4272 Stalwart under investigation as water seen in the gutters.
    • KCLAD Well totals 162 gallons per minute. Beach erosion is significant. Drainage outlets at the beach are at increasing risk. Revisions being considered. KCLAD has been developing list of approximately 15 projects of high priority for the upcoming year. Cost will be high, and funds are not available. KCLAD is working to ask for funding from the State and FEMA along with City. Example, drainage at the top of the canyon will be $800K plus-plus
    • ACLAD. Two new wells are fully operational.
    • Coordination with City of Rolling Hills. The City Manager is participating and was present, with no updates yet to report.