01/12/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Cal Water and Stakeholders Meetings



Below are summaries of the Cal Water and Stakeholders Meeting Discussions.

Cal Water Meeting

Cal Water is expecting to complete the Seaview above ground piping this week. Dauntless and Admirable has been completed and Exultant is undergoing water testing and will likely have hook up this week. Cal Water is contracting with a geologic engineering company for work on PV drive south where there was a water break prior to the holidays. This is tied into work also being done in Portuguese Bend. The same company will be helping them develop final plans for the future replacement of the water pipes in the rest of Seaview. Cal Water has developed and published a flyer on flushing your water pipes when you experience color or air bubbles in your home after a water outage (Water Main Repairs) The flyer is located on this website under NEWS – Klondike Canyon – Cal Water.

Stakeholders Meeting

  • The City met with FEMA to discuss reimbursement to the City of approximately $200,0 00 for repair work related to the FEMA declaration last year. The period is from 2/21/23 – 7/10/23.
  • Geologic updates. There will be a new geologic marker survey starting on 1/12/24. The survey will be updated in February and made available. Maps from the December City Council Meeting will be made available to the public. The City will check on where the final version is for release to the public. The City was asked what “success” will look like in terms of rate and extent of land movement. The City reports that they are working with KCLAD, ACLAD, and as a part of their FEMA grant to define this. SRA asked the City to keep this in front of the public so that we can understand how to assess progress from the ongoing efforts.
  • Trail conditions continue to deteriorate in the Preserve area. The public is strongly encouraged to stay out of the Preserve as there has been lots of movement and many fissures that have opened. Many of these are quite deep and dangerous.
  • No new updates on sewer lines.
  • SCE leaning poles. Frontier will be returning to finish work on the SCE poles that have been repaired.
  • Gas lines throughout landslide area. No updates. There is a plan to bring pipes above ground in some areas, the Narcissa area will be first. The gas company will be updating the group on where those are. The City will work with the gas company on a better communication plan for leaks and repairs of leaks.
  • Above ground lines. Water supply.
    • The City is working on a plan for more robust barriers to the road closures. They are aware of the intrusion by vehicles into the closed sections.
    • As noted in our meeting with Cal Water, the Seaview projects are nearing completion with Exultant due to be finished this week.
    • Geologists working on water projects that Cal Water typically use have conflict of interest with the city as they are contracted also by the city. These are important for the upcoming Cal Water projects as planning of these projects needs assessments of land movement and likely future land movement. Cal Water has now contracted with Waterworks and that firm has a preferred geotechnical firm that will be acceptable to the city. The City geologists will be doing an independent review of the proposed water pipe projects after the plans are put forth.
  • Klondike Canyon Landslide Abatement District
    • Lining and drainage pipe plan for the canyon is underway. Anticipating update and more formal plan by next week.
    • The new water pump is delivering at a rate of 115 gal/min.
    • Well water levels at Yacht harbor have dropped by 6 feet which is seen as progress. Similar drops in the water table are being seen at the other wells.
    • Fissure filling at the top of the canyon is continuing. Plan for KCLAD, their engineer and the City to tour the fissure area next week.
  • ACLAD.
    • Pump in well 15 has been replaced and is now pumping again. The four new wells progress has been delayed due to Olmstead Road problems from land movement.
    • A meeting with LA County was held on Wednesday to tour the slide area and Altermier Canyon. Still not a pathway forward for the lining of Altermier Canyon, but everyone seems to agree on the need for this project to continue.