01/05/24 COMMUNITY NOTICE From SRA Board: Stakeholders Meeting



See below for a summary of Meeting Discussions.

Stakeholders Meeting – 01-03-2024

No new updates on the Emergency Declaration.

  1. The disaster management team for the city and LA county has been on standby during the rains. There will be a meeting of the LA county disaster management team with FEMA next week. Part of that meeting will be a discussion of funds availability to assist the city with expenses related to management of the land movement since the rains of last winter.
  2. No reported damage in RPV from the earthquake last week. Ara Mihranian RPV City manager advises residents to consider adding the MyShake App to their phone for earthquake alerts and information. Additional earthquake notice information can be found at https://earthquake.ca.gov/get-alerts/
  3. No new geotechnical updates since the presentation at the December City Council meeting. The city will be doing another GPS survey in January to check on recent movement. Following this, they will resume further testing in March. The report from the December City Council meeting should be posted to the city website very soon. Below is the December 2023 Map Illustrating the three landslides and recent land movement:

  1. Ara Mihranian will be in Sacramento next week, lobbying on behalf of the city and providing updates to our state representatives on the land movement and on mitigation and repair efforts being done. He will provide a summary of those meetings upon his return.

  2. Preserve trails update. There is ongoing movement near the Olmstead trail. There will be a temporary chain link fence out in around some of the Portuguese Bend trails where they really want to keep people out for safety.
  3. Seaview residents reported that Southern California Edison has completed repairs on 2 leaning utility poles along Exultant. There may be further work to replace anchor wires as the depth of the exiting anchors appears to be too shallow. Frontier will be completing repairs of their equipment related to the leaning poles this week.
  1. Cal water report:
    1. Work along Dauntless and Admirable has been completed.
    2. They anticipate completing work along Exultant by next week.
    3. It was reported that several residents had noticed discolored water for up to 2 weeks after the hook ups were completed. Cal water representatives did not have an answer to why this persisted so long after flushing of the water lines. The problem has since resolved, and residents are advised if they experience water discoloration to inform both Cal Water the city so that they can assist in following up with Cal Water. SRA suggested Cal Water provide a simple information flyer explaining method(s) of purging discolored water after residential water outages.
    4. Cal water is investigating the land movement along PV drive South where there was a pipe rupture ahead of Christmas. They are having their engineers investigate and will provide an update of recommendations soon. Members of the Portuguese Bend community feel that this area is one that has historically been very quiet, and the recent movement is of high concern to them.
  2. KCLAD:
    1. With the new de-watering wells working at a rate of approx. 115 gallons/minute, there has been a drop in the water table from 5 to 24 feet Other wells are also showing a drop in the water table. KCLAD is hopeful this may indicate some progress in de-watering. Their overall well ouput is approximately 197 gallons a minute. The board feels that another well is advisable and potentially 2 more. They plan to repair the artesian well with another few feet drop in the water levels
    2. Plans for a 16-inch flex drainage pipe from the upper to lower canyon are about ready to be submitted to the city.
    3. There has been much progress by the city at filling of fissures in the area behind Seaview over the holidays.
  3. ACLAD
    1. 3 of the 4 new wells have been drilled and are now being prepped for receiving pumps. Replacement of a damaged well is underway.
    2. Culvert repairs have been slowed by the recent rains but are underway.
    3. Road repairs along the Olmstead trail have been underway.
    4. There is great concern over the lower end of Altemier Canyon. The opinion of ACLAD is that it is not functional as a drainage area for water from the upper canyon. There is a planned meeting with LA county public works next week to tour the area and discuss what the county could bring to bear on potential solutions.
  4. No new updates from the city of Rolling Hills. Their manager was present at the meeting.